Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

l (7o) againft the Negative or Affirmativeof the Queftion, and re- proach fo bitterly dote that maintain them, without anychain,- lion or explication ; as if either the error lay in the terms, or the terms were fo plain and univocal, that thePropofitions are true only on one part,what fenfe foever they be taken in. No doubt but he faith true, that faith that Works are the Condi- tionofJuftification: and he faith as true,that faith they are not, if they take the terms in fuch different fences as commonly Di- p'uters on thefe Queftions do take them. And its part all doubt that [ a man is jrsflified by faithwithout the works of the .LAW ; and that it is not of Works, but of Grace : and its as certain that [aman is juffifeed'by' works andnot byfaithonly; and that by their Words men fh<all be juftifaed, and by their words they [hall be con- demned. j Gods word were not true if both thefe were not true. We muft therefore neceffarily diftinguifh : And firft of Works. Fitt, Sometime the term, Work! is taken for that (in general) which makes the Reward to be not of grace but of Debt : Meri- torious works: Or for fuch as are conceited to be thus merito- rious, though theybe not. And thofe are materially, either Works of perfet`i obedience Without (in, (fuch as edamhad be- fore his fall, andChrift had, and the goodAngels have,) or elfe Works of obedience to the rlofaical LaW , which fuppofed fìn, and were ufed in order to pardon and life, but miftakingly by the blind Unbelievers, as fuppofing that the dignity of the Law did put fucti a dignity on their obedience thereto, as that it would ferve to life without the fatisfac`tion and merit of Chrift, or at leaft muft concur in Co. ordination therewith. Or elfe laftly, they are Gofpel duties, thus conceited meritorious. Secondly, But fometime the word Yvorls is taken for that which flandeth in a due fubordination to grace : and that firft, moil generally, for any moral virtuous cA lions, and fo even faith it Pelf is comprehended and even the very Receptive or fi- duciall a&of faith : or lefs generally,for external as of obe- dience, as diftind from internal habitual Grace:and fo Repen- tance, Faith, Love, &c. are not Works . or for all ads ex- ternal andinternal, except faith it fell. And fo Repentance, Defire