]refire after Chrift, Love to him, denying our own Righteour- nefs, difiruft in our felves, &c. are calledWorks. Or elfe for all Ads external and internal betides the Receptionof Chrifts Righ :eoiifnefs to Juftification : And fo the beliefof the Gof- gel, the Acceptance of Chrift as our Prophet and Lord by the Title of Redemption,withmany other acèscof faith in Chrift, are called works : befides thedifclaiming of our own Righte- ouinefs,and the refi before mentioned. Secondly,As for theword fuftifacarian,it is fo varioufly taken by Divines, and in common ufe, that it would require more words then I ¡hall (Pend on this whole Difpute, to name and open its feveral fences; and therefore ( having elfewhere given a brief fchemofthem ) I Thall now only mention thefe few which are moll pertinent to our purpofe. Firft, Some take 7uftrfica- :ion for force Immanent Acts of God, and foiefor Tranfient. And of the former force take it for Gods eternal Decree to juaifie, which neither Scripture calleth by this name, nor will Reafon allow us to do it, but improperly. Sometime its taken for Gods Immanent prefent Approbation of a man, and Reputinghim to be juft , when he is firft fo conftituted. And this force few call a Tranfìent A , becaufe the Object is extrin. tick : But molt call it Immanent, becaufe it makes no Alterati- on on 'that object. And force plead that this is an eternal ad' without beginning, becaufe itis Gods effence which is eternal and thefe denominate the Act from the fubl}ance or Agent; And other fay, that it begins.. in time, becaufe Gods Effencedot then begin tohave that Refpe6t to a ¡inner whichnal es it capa- bleof fuch a denomination : And fo tfrefe (peak of thetVt de- nominatively,formally, refpectively Both ofthem (peak true but both fpeak not the fame truth. Sometime the word ?aft/flexion is taken for a tranfient Ate of God that maketh or conduceth to a change upon theextrin- fick object. And fo firft, Its fometime takenby force Divines, fora Conditional Juftificaion, which is but an of that hash a tendency to that change and this is not actual Juftification. Secondly, Sometime it is taken for actual Juftification,and that is threefold. Firft, Conftitutive : Secondly, Sentential thirdly, executive. Firft, Conftïtutive Juftification, is firft either in the ggalities