Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670


i THE Life of Faith. /an, In Three PARTs. to71-Yk- The Firíl is a Sermon on Heb. ii. i. formerly preached before His Ma.jelly, and publifhed by his. Command; with another added for the fuller Application. The Second is Inf ruaions for confirming Be- lievers in the ChriftianFaith. TheThird is Direstions how to live by Faith; or how to exercife it upon all occafions. By Ri CHARD BAXTER. 2 Cor. 5.7. Ftr we walkby faith, not by fight. 2 Cor. 4, i 6, 17, :8. For which caufe we faint not: but though our outwardmanperifh, yet the inward man is renewed day by day : For oser light afillion which is but for amoment, worketh for us afar more exceedingand eternal weight ofglory : While we look not at the things which arefeen, but at the things which are not feen : For the thing; which arefeen are temporal i but the things which are not feen are eternal. Heb. 12. 27. By faithheforfoekEgypt,not fearing the wrathaftbe King: for he endured, asfeeing him that is invifible. LONDON, Printed by R. W. for Nevil Simmons, at the three Crowns over againli Holborn Conduit. 167o.

To the l-Yorfhipfull, my much honour- ed Friend Richard Hampden of Hampden, Lofquire ; and the Lady Lætitia his Wife, grace and Peace be multiplied. Our Names Rand here in the front of this T'reatife, on a double account :Fir, that --(the cuílom of Writers ha- ving given me finch an ad vantage) I may tell the pre fent and future Ages, how much I love and honour your Piety, Sobriety., Integrity andMO- deration, in an Age when filch Vertues grow into contempt, or into lifelefs Images andNames : And how much I am. my Pelf your debter, A3 for

Tlie Epiftle Dedicatory. for the manifold expreflions ofyour love; and that in an AgewhenLove direaed by the fuperiour faculties is out of fafhion; and towards fuch as I, is grown a crime. Sincerity and Love are things that Mall be honourable, whenHypocri e andMalice have done their worn : But they are mó{t con fpicuous and refulgent in times of rarity ; and when the`film; of their contraries fet them off.. Secondly, To fignifie my Lorve and Gratitude by the bell return which I can make ; which is, by tendering to youand toyour family, the furejl Direcions, for the moll noble manly life on earth, in order to a bleffed life in Heaven. Though you have . proceeded well, you.are riot yet pafl need of help fo great a; rk ,d rh'Gall for skilfull counfel, and íkii'diòiis arning, and induihious and unwearied ; iraL ice. And your hopeful children may be the rea- dier to learn this excellent Life from thefe Direaions, for the love öf your prefixed Names. And how happy will they be, if they converfe with God, when others are wallowing in, :filth of fenfuality :When:the dead-hearted-fnner thinketh:not of.

TheEpiftle Dedicatory. of anorher world, with the wifdom of a forefeeing man, till he is going out ofthis, fecurus quo pes ferat, atque ex tempore rvivit, ut Perf. , quibws in lobo rviirvendi caufa palato Jiro. When fuch fenfual fouls mutt be dragg'dout of their pampered corrup- tible flefh, to divine revenge, and gowith the beginnings of endlefs horrour to the world where they might have found everlafting refl.; what joy will then be the portion of mortified and patient Believers, whole Treafures, and Hearts, and Conver- p fations in Heaven, are now the foretafte of their poffelíipn, ;as the Spirit of Chriff which caufeth this, is the feal ofGod, and the pledge and earñeft of their inheritance. If a. fleth-pleafing life in a dark, diflra6ted, bruitifh world, were better than a life with God and Angels, methinks yet they that know they cannot have what they would, thould make fure of what they may have; And théy that cannot keep what they love, Ihould learn to torve what they may keep. Wonderful! ífupidity ! That they who fee, that carrying dead bodies to the grave, is as common -a work, as theMidwifes take, ing childn into the world, and that the life

The Epif ice Dedicatory. life is but the road to another, and that d men are polling on to their journeys , Mould think no ó fand cíoulsedogó, that whi- ther fo many th daily íhoot the gulf of death ! and return no more to the world which once they called their },orne ! That menwill have no houle or home , but the íhip which carryeth them fo fwiftly to eternity ! and (pend their time, in furnishing rdww nagondfu uch a tern eíluous Sea, where hafting them to the fhore ! and even to the end are contriving to live where habitation arc daily dying! and care for no all men but ®n hone-backátt heatlived ;h die much wafer than yet Y of death will the certain foreknowemgmore feafonably not ferve to make th t and more fafely wife for aWmaneafwak , o rt should be poífibl believe that he muft ounehangeable end earth, and enter into life, and yet no ben ofhis life, to fef his foul, and the labours his true and durable the ancecedency But to, ildam hash given fin and maáz ofs the priority to wi/4w .

TheEp`te Dedicatory. and our wifdom, health and fafety, mu now come after, by the way of recovery and cure. The firIl born of lapfed man was- a malignant perfecuting Cain. The firff born Pf believing Abraham, was a pefe- cutor of him that was born after the Spirit, i John 3. iz. Ga1.4.2,9. And the firfl born of this Ifaac himfelf, was a profaneEfau, that for one 7nor]èl fold bis birth right, Heb. iz. 16. And naturally we are all the off-fpring of this profanenefs, and have not acquaintance enough with God, and with healthful boli- nefs, andwith the everlafling bearvenly Glory, to make us cordially preferr it before a for- bidden cup, or morfel, or a gameat foole- ry, or a filthy lull ; or before the wind of a gilded fools acclamation and applaui or the cap and counterfeit fubje&ion of the multitude : But the fortune, non tua turba Cut Ov.) quos fportula fecit amici (ut Juv.)` who will ferve mens lulls, and be their - fervants, and humble attendants to damnation, are regarded more than the God, the Saviour, the Sanaifier, towhom thefe perfidious rebels were once devoted. That you and yours may live that more wife and delightful life, which confifleth a in

e h14e e icatory. in the daily fight of Hearven, by a Living Faith, which worketh by Love, in confiant Obe. dience, is the principal end of this publick appellation : That what is here written for the ufe ofall, may be firmand fpecial- ly ufeful to you andyours, whom I am fo much bound to love and honour; even to your fafe and comfortable life and death, and to your future joy and glory; which is thegreat defire of Feb. 4. 1669. Your obliged Servant,. RICH. BAXTER.. THE

THE PREFACE. Reader , it offend thee, that the Parts '444 of this Treatfe tire fo unlike, underfland 1. That they are for rvarious u f es : The fill' f t' Part to make men willing, by awa- kening perfwafions ; and the ref{, to direEl them in the exercfes of Faith, who are firf made willing. 2. That I write not to win thy prafe of an artificial comely Structure ; but to help fouls to Holinefs and Heaven ; and is theft ends I labour to fuit the means. 3. That the NI Sermon way publjhed long . ago ; and a 2 the

The Preface. the Bookfeller de firing me to give him forre ad. litions to it, I thought -meet firft to make up the exciting part in the fame flyle, and then to add a Direftory for the praEtice of judicious Believers. z. And if it offend thee that the fecond Part containeth but f itch matter as I have already publ fhed, in my kafons of the Chr f ian Re= legion, underftand t. That I perceived that that Treat f e. was negleFled by the-more unlearnedfort of Chrftians, as not depending enough to their cape cities ; and that it would be ufeful to the confer= mation of their Faith, to draw forth Tome of the molt obvious Arguments, in as plain a manner, and as briefly as I could, that length nor obfcu_ city might not deprive them of the benefit, who are too f lothfull, or too dull, to make ofe of more copious and accurate d f courfe. 2. And I knew not how to write a Treatfe. of the Ufes of Faith, which jhould wholly leave out the Confirmations of Faith, without much reluftancy of my Deafon. 3. And again, Ifay, I can bear the d fpraife of Repetition, if I may but further mens Faith and Salvation. 3. ..Ind if it offend thee that I am fo dull in ail the Vireflive part, I cannot well do `both works at once, .awaken the *lions, and arm. ratel

The Pr ace. rately direct the mindforpra(ice: Or at leaf$ if I had f oken all thole Tire ions in a copiows applica. tory Sermon flyle, it would havefwelled the Book to a rvery tedious coftly (volume : ,And Afeition muft not too much interpofe when - the Judgment is about its proper work. Andbeing done in the be. ginning, it may be the better fj arecl afterward. 4. if it offendyou that Iopen the Life ofFaith. infomewhat an un1foal manner, I anfnerfor my f èlf, that if it be Methodical, true and apt for ofe, Ido that which I intend : And on a fubjeaJo. frequently and fully handled, it were but an injury to the Church, to fay but the fame which is Paid already : Mr. JohnBall, Mr. Ezekiel Culverwell, and Mr. Samuel Ward in a narrower roombarve done exceeding well upon thisfubject. Ifyou have nothing more than they hovePaid, read their Books only, and let this alone. 5. If it offendyou that the Direction are many of themdifficult, and thehie requireth a flow confide. rate 12eader, Ianfwer, thenature of the fubjelE re quireth it ; and without rvoluminous tedioufnefs, it cannot beavoided. Blaine thereforeyour unprepared ignorant minds ; and whileyou areyet dull ofhear- ing, andfo make things hard to be uttered to your undemanding, becaufe you hai-vepill need of Milk, an cannot digeftfthongmeat : but mußagain a 3 be

The Pteface. be taught the principles ofthe oracles of God, (Heb. 5. ii, 2,13,14.) thinknot toget knowledge without hardRudy, and patient learning, by hearing nothingbut whatyou know already, or can under ft by one hafty reading oever ; left you dbfèorver a cons junEion of flothfulnefs with an ignorant and unhumbledmind : Or at leaft, if you muff learn atfo cheap a rate, or eye. flick f till inyour Milkand your Beginnings be not offended if others out- go you, and think knowledgeWorthy of muchgreater diligence ; and if leaving the principles we go on towards perfe4ìion, as long as we take them along with us, and make them the life of all that followeth, while we fèem to leave them : And this we will do, if God permit, Heb. 6.1, 3. Feb.3. 1669. R. B. The

The Contents ofthe firit Part. The SERMON. W// Faith if, page 2. The Text opened, p. 4. 74 grounds ofthe certaintyofFaith briefly intimated,p.5,&c. Why Godwill have tie live byFaith,and not byfight, p. xi, &c. Lift i. To inform us what a Cbrifiian or Believer is ; defsribed, i WC 2. The &afoot why Believers are snore ferious in matters f Religion, than unbelievers are. Ufe 3. Of Examination, p. 29 The mifery ofunbelievers, p. 3e Marls ofa true Faith, p. 32 Ufe 4. Exhortation to the feriases exereife ofFaith, P. 37 Some ajji ing fuppofitions, 8 How tbofe will live who thus believe; opened in certain , e- ltions, P. 48 Motivesis live byaforefeeingFaith on things not Peen, p. 45 TheConelufon; i. Exhorting to live by Faith : 2. And to pro- mote this life inothers, P. 46. The Additions. Cap. i. The convifion and reproof of Hypocrites, Nrba live contrary to theFaith which they profejl, 4S. Csp. 2. Ageneral Exhortation,. liveas Believers,. 6 5 Cap. 3. An exhortationto theparticular duties of Believers. 63 The Contentstithe SecondFart. Chap. i. The Believers Direátery utu¡i jhetr him t; b. How to. jtressgtben Faith : g. Roo to oft it, And

The Contents. And I. For thefirlf, rbe order of theprefuppofedNatural Yetitits, it briefly mentioned, 8 t Chap. 2. The true Method of enquiry into the fupernatural evi- dences ofFaith,andtheRules therein to be obferved, 87 Chap. 3. The proper Evidence of Faith. The SPIRIT and the Image of God binsfelf, 97 Chap. 4. The Image ofGods Wifdom on the Chri/fian Religim lt's wonderful Methodopened, in thirty inffances. Six more inflances, 99 Chap. 5. The Image of GodsGoodnefl and Holinofs on the Çbri- ffian Religion : in thirty inllances, it `d Chap. 6. The Image of Gods Power upon the Chri(fian Religion; in twenty inffances, 1 r 5 Chap. 7. The means ofmaking known all thiir tous infafibly. Flow the firff witneffes knew it. How the next Age and Churches knew it. Howwe know it. Twenty fjiecial hiffcrical madi. Lions of Cbriflianity and matters of fall. What the Spirits W itne f s to Cbriffianity is, 1 2 5 Chap. 8. Twelve further Dire/lions to confirm our Faith, 136 Chap, 9. Twenty General Dire/7ions how to of Faith, or to live by it, when it ie confirmed. What Cbr,,gian Faith is : Errours about it, 148 The Contents of the third Part. Chap. t. How to live by Faith on God, 168 Chap. 2. How to live by Faith on J efsCbrift, 182 Abufes of the Dolrine ofRedemption. Theextent ofit. Of Cbrijfs Office : Hie Merits and Sacrifice : Example, &c. Chap. 3. How to liveby Faith on the Holy GboJi. Of the Trinity. Several doubts refolved about believing in the Holy Gboff. Of giving the Spirit : Hie operations : Whether Love to God, e-r Faith in Chrift gofirff ; exaâly anftaered. (And confequently whether Faith or Repentance be firft. ) _O -the Spirit in Cbrff and the Apoflles : Of fufficient Graft. lbw Faith procureth theSpirit. Whether deftres ofgrace be grace, 20 t Chap, 4^ flow to Live by faith Its re Gods Commands. The admi. rah le

The Contents. rable gaodnefs of Gods Laws. Whether the Promife and Deward be the end of Obedience, or Obedience theend of the Promifeand Reward. Of Scriptureexamples, 232 Chap. 5. How to live byfaith on Gods Promifes; What will of God it is, according to which they muff asltwbo will receive. Of a particular faith inprayer, je the fame degree of grace condi- tionally promifcd to all ? Direlliens for under(.anding the'Pro- rtifes. The true nature of faith or trufe in Gods Promifes, open- edat large. Affiance is in the tenderfanding, will and vital power. Whether Faith be Obedience, or how related to ir. Ten alts ofthe underffanding ofntial to the Chriffian Faith in the Promifes. Several acts ofthe will affential to Faith, And in thevital power, whetheraA true Faith havea fubjeblive cer- tainty ofthe truth ofthe Word. Choice, and venturing or far- faking all, it thefin cfreal trufi. Promifes colletied for the help ofFaith, a. Of Pardon, 2. OfSalvation, 3. OfReconci- liation andAdoption, 4. orpardon of newfins after converfron. 5 .OfSanRification : 6. Promifes to them that defire andleek. 7. To Prayer. 8. Togroans that want expreffion. 9. Promifes of all that we want, and that is goodfer us. to. To theufe ofGods WordandSacraments. i e. To the bumble, meek and lowly. 12. To the peaceable. 13. To the diligent. 14: To the patient. 15. To Obedience. 16. To the Love ofGod. 17 . To'tbem that love thegodly, and are merciful in goodworks. 18. To the poor, soy. To theoppref f d 20. To the perfecuted. 2 s. In dastgerr: 22. Againft temptations. 23. To them that overcome andper- fevere. 24. In f ck,noofs, and at death. 21. OfRéfurreîlian, final JuffificationandGlory. 26. For children of the godly. 27. To the Church, 241 Chap. 6. How to exercife faith on Gods Threatnings andJudge- vents. How far beliefofthe threatnings is good, necefary, and a favingfaith. How favingf,ritb is aperfonal application. How to perceive truefaith, 297 Chap. 7. How to live byfaithf r Pardon and Juffiffca+ion. In how many refpel,"ts and waies Cbrijf jufiifieth us. Of the impu- tationoICJnijts Kighteoujnefs. Twelve reafors to help our be- liefofpardon. Hots farf nfleould make us doubt ofour jujf ifi.- cation,- 308 Chap. 8. 58 - Dangerous Errenrs dctelled, which binder the (b) work

The Contents. workoffaitb about our7uffification , and the contrary truths a(ferted. 32 Chap. 9. How to live by faith in the exercife of othergraces and duties And t. Of the doUrinal Direïlions. What Santlifi- cation is. How Godloveth the unfänliified. How heloveth tos in Cbrift. Of Preachingmeet Morality, 36t Chap. io. The pratïical Diretlions, to promote Love to God and Holinefs, 367 Chap. t j. Of theorder and harmony ofgraces and duties, which muff be taken all together. Of the parts that make up the new Creature. 1. The intelelual order ; or a method, or Aherne of the heads of Divinity. 2. The order of Intention and Affetlion. 3. Theorder of praOlce. Of the various degrees of means to mans ultimate end. Ofthe graceneceffary to concur with thefe variousmeans. The circular motionby divine communicationto our Receiving Graces, and fo by our Returning Graces, unto God again. The frame of the prefent means of grace, and of our returningduties. Rules about the order of Cbriilian pra- llice (whichPhew that, andbow the bell is to be preferred, and which is heft) isfifty three Propofitions. How mans Laws bind confcience (andmany other cafes) refolved. A lamentationfor the great, want of order, andmethod, andharmony in the un- derftandings, wills and lives of Chriftians. Many inflames of mens partiality as to truths, graces,duties,(ns,&cTwentyRea.. fons why few Chriftians are comfiest and entire, but lame and partial in their Religion. TenConfeûaries, Whether allgraces be equal in habit. Religion not fo perfeli in us as in the Scri- ptures ; which thereforeare the Rule tout, &c. 373 Chap, 12. How to ujefaith againft particularfins, 417 Chap. 13. What fins the heft are mo(i in danger of,andsßiouldmoft carefully avoid, Andwherein the infirmities ofthe upright dif- fer from mortalfins . 421 Chap. 14. How to live by faithbe profßerity. The way by which faith dotb faveus from the world. General Directions againft the danger ofprofperity. Twenty marks of worldlinefs. The pretences ofworldly minds. The greatnefs of the fin. The ill - fects, Chap. i 5. How to bepoor in fpirit. And IRow to eJcape the Pride ofprofperous men. The cloaks ofPride2' Thefgns of Pride and of

The Contents. ofLowlinefs. The finfulnefs of it. Particular remedies, 446 Chap. 16. How to efcape the fin ofFulnefs, Gulofity or Glutto- ny, byfaith. The mifcbiefs ofprying the appetite. Particular remedies, 465 Chap. 17. How faith ntuft conquer flab and idlenefs. Who are guilty of thisfin. Cafes rejoked. The evil of idlenefs. The re- medies, 474 Chap. 18.Vnmercifulnefsto the poor, to be conquered byfaith. iba remedies, 49! Chap. i 9. How to live by faith in adverfity, 493 Chap. 2o. How to liveby faith in trouble of confcience, anddoubts of ourfalvation. The difference between true and falfe repen- tance. How to apply the univerfal grace to our comfort. The danger of ca(fingour part on thrift ; and of afcribing all me- lancholy dißurbances and thoughts to the fpirit. Of the toying the fpiris : and of the witnefs of the Spirit, 503 Chap, 21. How to live by faith in thepublick, Wofhipping of God, Overvalue notyour own manner of Worfhip, andovervilifie not other mens. Ofcommunion with others, 519 Chap. 22. How to pray in faith, 527 Chap. 23. How so live by faith towards children andother Re- lations, 530 Chap. 24. Howbyfaith to orderour affeîlionsto publickSocietier, and to the unconvertedworld, 535 Chap. 25. How to liveby faith in the loveofone another, and to mortifie (elf-love. It is our own intereff and gain, to love our neighbours as ourfelves. Objetlions wherein it confiffetb. Mat is the fincerity of it. Confectaries. Loving others as your (elves if a duty even as to the degree, 539 Chap. 26. Howby faith to befollowers of the Saints, and to look withprofit to their examples and their end, and to bold com- munionwith the heavenly Society.. Reafons of the duty. The nature ofit. Negatively, what it is not ; and Affirmatively, what it is. Wherein theymuff beimitated, 556 Chap. 2.7. How to receive the fentence of death, and bow to die by Faith, 589' Chap. 28. How by faith to look, arigbt to the coming of Jejus Cbreff in Glory, 591 (b2) äteadcsss _.

Reader, The firtf and great Erxour of the Printer, is, that he hath not diffinguifhed the three diffind Parts of the Trea- dle. Thereforeyou mutt write Page 1. PA R T. 1, red Fag.Si. PART z. Chap. r. and Pstg. 168. PART 3. Chap. r. N the Preface, Page 3.1. r6. put if you wouldhave. p. S. 1.8. put out have p. 3 1 . 1 . 3 1 . put output p. 4o.1.22. for teat T. the p. 5 r.1. 37, for yo.:r r.their p. 54. 1.13. for believe r. defre p. 66.1. 31. for again¡l r, at p. 67. 1. 3z. for tait; r. qe aye p. 68. 1.8, for murmurs r. mo .riz 1.27. after better put co ¡trey p. 69. 1.17. r.euma p. 7o 1. i6-r. vento(ara p.75. 1. z4. r. made them p. 77. 1. in. T. litnnte p. 87.1. 3. for offeredreadobfrved p.93. l 25. for cannotr. can p.96.112 .for Nations r :*otions'.zt.r.conduceth p. 99.1.9. T. which .'t p, 10 1.1.38. for Gooditels r Goodwill p. 130;1.13.r. inconfiderateeecßp.134. I. ro. r. hi[lorUt:ecnfrs p. 155.1. 37. for never r. fleurer p. 163.1.6. put our are p. 166.1. e. for worlteth r. ;rai l,=e!h 1, 24. r. a ::rte at 1. 19, r. ta[eth p. 196. T. 7. for meaitate r. mediatep. z06.1.1.r. call:01.4. for his r. this p z r7. (falfe Printed for 209) I. 33. blot outer p. 214. 1: 6, for was T. were p. 232.1. 19. r. Antoninusp. 241.1.31. r. ro¡mutative p.244.1. 3 8. put out of p. 249. 1. 5. for rather r. alwa'esp. 250.1. 9. blot out O and r. of ob}e5l ve ;ra'e 1.30. for promi(ith r. promi;'eth not p.253. 1.11. forconfrnetb r. confneth 1. 10. for le(3 of r.foßof p. 254.1.29. r. non-amidon p. 332. 1.33. r. which ;i: og p. 346. 1.14. r. faults p, 359. 1. i8. for hin r. h:infelfp 366.1. 29. for that r. thep.371.1.12. for there r. thenp. 38.2. 1. eS. for as r. or p324.1. 3. put a comma after efJic;ene end Dirigent p. 405.1.36.r. chrJuans p. 406.1. 37. for end r. and p. 4 t 1.1 16. r. th'nes p.413.1. 20. for it r. is p. 4r4. 1.2. putout or and 1.34. for 'n It r. in Ys (elfeit isblafphenlyagainflthe Scripture) p.430.1.23. put out may p 435.,e'ealp.441. 1. 5. put out not p. 485.1. 25 for thernfclvcsr.hir;e[l p.;505.1. 27. r. A(/éntp. 540. 1,, zr. put out andp., 582.1 i1. r. ('ends.

THE Life of Faith. .HEBREWS 11. 1. Now faith is the f ithfance of things hoped for the ervidence of things notjeen. Hough the wicked are difii.7giilhcd to Hypocrites and V ibeii vers, yet Hy- pocrites themfelves are Vabclievers too. They have no faith which they car ju- lì,fie, by its prevailing efficacy and works : and therefore have no faith by which they can be juflift:d. Becaufe their difc ;very is needful to their recvery, and all our talvatiòn depends on the fincerity of oar faith. D have chofen this text, which is a defcription of faith, that the opening, of it may help us for the opening of our hearts, and tcto'.ving the great qucfiion, on which our endlcfs life de- pends. To be a Chrifiien, and to be a Believer in Chriii, are words in Scripture of the fame fignitication. If you have not faith, you are not Chrrfiatos. This faith. bath various offices an3 B objets.

The Life of Faith. .obOs. By it we are juftified, fanttified and faved. We are ijialtifie4 not by believing that rue arejujtified, but by believing jc that ire may be ju.l' f cd, Not by receiving jni iftcation itnme- diately, but by receivingCbrit for our : not by meer accepting the pardon in it fl./f, but by firti receiving him that procureth andbefforoeth it, on his terms Not by meet accept- ing health, but by receiving the Phyfician and his remedies, for i health. . Faith it the praÉlicai Believing in God as promifng, and Chrift as procuring jnftificauoss and falvation. Or, the pralical belief i and acceptance of life, as procured by Chrift, and promifed by \God in the Gfffel. The everlafling fruition of God in Heaven, is the ultimate objcd. No man believeth in Chriti as Chriti, that believeth not in him for eternal life. As faith looks at Chriti as the ne- ceffarymeans, and at the divine benignity as the fountain, and at his vet4.eity as the foundation or formal object, and at the promife, as the true fgnification of his rwia; fodoth it ultimate- ly look at our frlvarion, (begun on earth, and perfetied in Heaven) as the end, for which it looketh at the Teti. Nowonder therefore if the holy Ghotl here fpeaking ofthe Dignity and Power offaitb, do principally infitl on that part of its defcription, which is taken from this final objet`k. As Chriti himfelf in his Humiliation was rejetïed by the gentiles, and a Rumbling flone to the ?ewe, defpifed and not deemed, Ifa. 53.. 2, 3. having made bimfelf of no raputation, Phil. 2.7. So faith in Christ ai incarnateand crucified, is de- fpifed and countedfoolijhne fs by the world. But as Chriti in his glory, and the glory of believers, thall force them to an aweful admiration; fo faith. it felf as exercifed on that glory, is. more glorious in the eyes of all. Believers are never to re- verenced by the world, as when they converf in Heaven, and the Spirit of Glory reffeth on them, a Pet. 4. 04. How faith by beholding this glorious end, doth move all the faculties of the foul, and fubdue the inclinations and in- terefls ofthe fleth, and make the greate(i fufferings tollerable, is the work of the holy Gho(i in this Chapter 0 demonfrate, which beginning with the defcription, proceeds to the prod by a cloud ofwitneffes. There ase two forts ofperlons (and imploymenes)

The Life ofFaith. imployments) in the world, for whom there are two con- trary ends hereafter. One fort fubj:ef their reafan to their fenfual or carnal intere(f. The other fu'ijc6t their tent, s to their reafon, cleared, conducted and elevated by faith. prefent or poffeffed, are the riches of the fenfual, and the byas of their hearts and lives : Things abfcnt but hoped for, are the riches of Believers, which a,tuatc their chief en- deavours. This is the fenfe of the text which 3 have read to you; which letting things hoped for, in oppofition to things prefent, and things unfcen, to thole that fenfe dothapprehend, affure,h us that faith (which fixeth on the ftrft) doth give to its ob- jed a fubfiffence, sre{ence and evidence, that is, it feeth that whichfupplicth the want ofprefence andviftbility. The úvóseaes, is that which qusad effebtum is equal to a prefent fuif(fence. And the VAsyxos, the evidence is fomewhat which quoad effecsuns isequal to vifibility. As if he had faid, [Though theglorypro- wired to Believers, and expeíiedby them, be yet to come, and on- ly hopedfor, and be yet unfern and only relieved, yet is thefound believer as truly affeiied with it, and afied by its attratlive force, as if it were prefent andbefore his eyes] as a man is by an inheritance, or ettate in rcvcrfion, or out of fight, dwell fccurcd, and not only by that which is prefent to his view: The Syriacklnterpreter inffead of a 7ranflation, gives us a true e_xpofítion of the words, viz, [Faith is a certainty of thofe : things that are in hope, as if they did already a5luaffyexist, and the revelation of thofe things that are not teen. Or you may take the fenfe in this Propofition, which I am next to open further, and apply, viz, [That the nature and ufe offaith is to be as it were inffead of prefence, poffeffion and fight : or to make the things that willbe, as if they were already loo exiffence ; and the things unfern which God revealeth, as if our bodily eyes beheld them. r. Not that faithdoth reallychange its obje&. 2. Nor Both it give the fame degree of al/rebellions and aftzliio;rs, as the fight of prefentthings would do. But a. Things iuvifible are the objects ofour faith. 2. And Faith is effeaual inffead of fight to all there ufes: z. The apprebenffon is as infallible, becaufe of the objet ivc B 2 ,certainty,

The Life of Faith. certainty, (thoughnot fofatisfaetory to our impel fed fouls,) as if the things themfelves were ferie. 2. The will is determin- ed by it in its necefjary confcnt and choice. 3. The affeîlions are moved in the neceff;try degree. q.. Ir ruletb in our lives, and bringeth us through duty, and futfering, for the fake of the happinefs which we believe. 3. This Faith is a grounded wife and jutifïablea6t : an in- fallible knowledge; and often called fa in Scrip ure, John 6 69. 1 Cor. 15.58. Rom. 8. 28, &c. And the conlhtutive and ef- ficient caufes Will ju(tifie the None. We know and arc infallibly fare, of the truth of God, which we believe : As it's Paid, John 6. 69. [We le!ieve and are fare that thou art that Chri(t, the Son ,f the living God.] 2 Cor.5.1. [We ks'éw that if our earthly boufe of this tabernacle were dif- folved, we havea building of God, an haute not made with bands, eternal in the Heavens.] Rom. 8. z8. We know that all things work togetherfor good to them that love God.] 1 Cor. 15.58. You know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord] Joh. 9.29. [We kn-w God fpake to Mojes, &c.] 31. [We knowGodhear- er,' not ftnners.] John 3. 2. We know thou art a Teacher come from God.] Su t John 3. 5, 15. & 1 Pet. 3. 17. and many other Scriptures tell you, that Believing God, is a certain in- fallif le fort of kn<wledge. I (hall in Unification of the work of Faith, acquaint youbriefly with L. That in the Nature of it : 2. And that in the cauftng of it, which advanceth it, to bi an infallible knowledge. r. The Believer knows (as lure as he knows there is a God) that God is true, and his Wt-rd is true, it being impaffible for God to lie, H.b. 6..,8. God. that cannot lie bath promifed, Titus I. a. a. He knows tbat the holy Scripture is the Word of God; by his Image which it bcarcth, and the many evidences of Divinity which it containeth, and the many Miracles (cer- tainly proved) which Chritt, and his Spirit in his fervants, wrought to confirm the truth. 3. And therefore he knoweth. affurcdly the conclufion, that all this Word ofGod is true. And for the fuser effeóingof this knowledge,. God doth not only fet before us the afccrtaining Evidence of his own veracity,

The Life of Faith. veracity, and the Scriptures Divinity; but moieowr, r. He givetb us to believe, Pi i1, i. 29. 2 Pet, t. 3. For it h nor sf our rives, but is the gift of God, Ephef 2.8. Faith is one of the fruits of the Spirit, Gil. 5. 22. By the drawing of the Father, we come to the Sen. And he that bath knowledge given Flom Heaven, will certainly kww : and he that hach F'airh given him fromHeaven, will eeltoinly believe. The heavenly L ghe will diffipate our darknefs, and infallibly illuminate. Whileft `God fers before us the glafs of the Gofpel in which the things is vifrble are revealed, and alto gives us eye-fight to b:holet them, Believers muff needs be a heavenly people, as walking in that light which proceedeth from, and leadeth to the célcllial ever- latting Light. 2. And that Faith maybe fo powerful as to ferve inflead offight and prefence, Believers have the Spirit of Chrift within them, to excite and actuate it,and help themagainst all tempta- tions to unbelief, and to work in them all other graces that concur to promote the works of Faith ; and to mortifie thofe fins that hinder our believing, andare contrary to a heavenly life So that as the exercifeof our fight, and taite,and hearing, and feeling, is caufed by our natural life , fo the exercife of Faith and Hope, and Love, upon things unfeen, is caufed by the holy Spirit, which. is the principle of our new life, r Cor, 2. r 2. We have received the Spirit, that we might know the things that are given us ofGod. ThisSpirit cf God acquaint - eth us with God, withhis veracity and his Word, Hob. t o. 30, Weknow him that bath fail, I will neverfail thee, nor forfake thee.] This Spirit of Chrift acquainteth us withChrift, and with his grace and wilt, r Cor. 2. 10; 11, 12. This heavenly Spirit acquainteth us with Heaven, fo that [We know that when Cbrijt appearetb, wePall be like him, for we Pall fee bier as he is, z joh. 3.2. And we know that be was manifelfed to take awayfrn,] r Job. 3. 5. And will perfect his work,and profent us fpotlefs to his Father, Epb. 5..26,.27. This heavenly Spirit pof- feffeth the Saints with fuch heavenly difpofrtionsand delires, as much facilitate the work of Faith. It bringeth us to a heavenly converfation; and maketh us live asfellow.citizenoof the Saints, and in the bou(eold ofGod,Phii.3.2o. Eph.2. r 9.1t is within us a.. Spirit of fupplication, breathing heaven-ward, with fight and. B. 3 groans

6 The Life of Faith. grooms which cannot he expreffd; and as God knoweth the meaning of the Spirit, fb the Spirit knows the mind of God, Rom. 8. 37. a Cor. 2. t 1. 3 ^ And she work of Faith is much promoted by the fpiri- tual experiences of Believers. When they find a conliderable part of the holy Scriptures verified on then-del ves,it much-con- tiirmtth their Faith as to the whole. They arc really po; ;fed of that heavenly difpofi :ion, called, The DivineNature, and have felt the power of the Word upon their hearts, renewing them to the Image of God, mortifying their moti dear and ftrong corruptions, th wing them a greater beauty and deli. rablenefs in the Objecîs of Faith, than is to be found in fen - fible things : They have found many of the EPromill s made good upon thernfelvcs, in the anfwers ofprayers, and ingreat deliverances, which firongly perfwadeth them to believe the refI that are yet to beaccomplifhed. And experience is a very pAwerful and fatiefyi rg way of convic4ion. He that feeleth, as it were, the tìrll fruits, the earned, and the beginningsofHea- ven already in his foul, will more eafily and affuredlybelieve that there is a Heaven hereafter. [We knew that the Son of God is come, and bath given us an xnderftanding, that we maykm) ,a, him that is trite, and we are in him that is true, even in hie. Son Jefits Chrif : This is the true Godand eternal life,] t Job. 5.20. [He that believeth on the Sonbath the witnefs in bimfelf, Vet( io.] There is fo great a likenefi of the holy and heavenly nature in the Saints, to the heavenly life that God hath promi- fed, that makes it the more catilybelieved. 4. And it exceedingly helpcth our Belief ofthe life that's yet unfeen, to find that Nature affordeth us undeniable Argu- ments to prove a future Happincfs and Mifcry, Reward and Pundfhment, in the general; yea and in fpecial, that the Love and Fruition ofGod is this Reward ; and that the effè s of his difpleafitre are this Punifhment : Nothing more clear and certain than that there is a God, (He mutt be a fool indeed that daredeny it, Pfal. 14. a.) as alto that this God is the Creatour ofthe rational nature,and bath the abfolute right ofSoveraign Government: and therefore that the rational Creature oweth him the moil full and abfolute obedience, and deferveth pu- rifhFnent ifhe difobey. And it's tnoft clear that infinite ' od- nefs

The Life of Faith. 7 nefs fhouid be loved above all finite imperfect created good : And it's clear that the rational nature is fo formed, that with- out the hopes and fears of another life, the world neither if, nor ever was, nor (by ordinary vi(ible means) can be well governed ; (fuppofing God to work on man according to his nature.) And it is matt certain that it conffleth not with infinitewifdom, power and goodnefs, to be put to rule the world in all ages, by fraud and fal(hood. And it is certain that Heathens do for the molt part through the world, by the light of nature, acknowledge a life of j iy, or mifery to come: And the molt hardened Atheifls, or Infidelsmuff confers, that [forought they know there may be fucks life:] it being impollible they fhould know or prove the contrary. And it is moil cer- tain that the sneer probability or pofbiliry ofa Heaven and Hell, (being matters of fuch unfpeakable concernment) should in ¡taloncommand our utmost diligence to the hazard or lofs of the tranfitory vanities below : and confequently that a holy diligent preparation for another life, is naturally the dutyof the reaf¡sable creature. And it's as Pure that God bath not made our nature invain nor let us on a life of vain impioy- ments, nor made it our bulinefs in the world to leek after that which can never be attained. Thefe things, and much more, do thew that nature afford- eth us fo full a teftimony of the life to come that's yet invifible, that it exceedingly helpeth us in believing the fupernatural revelation of it, which is more full. 5. And though we have not feen the objeérs of our faith, yet thole that have given us their infallible reftimony by infal- lible means, have feen what they tefli ied.. Though [no man bathTeen God at any time, yet the only begottenSon which it in thebofom ofthe Father, bath declared him, Joh t. 18. [Verily, verily, (faith our. Lord) we jpeak that we know,. and teffiFe that we haveTeen] Joh. 3. i r. Verf. 31,32. [He that cometb from Heaven is above d, andwhat he bathPeen and heard that be tefiifresh.] Chrift that bath told us raw the things that we have not teen : and you will believe hor:eft men that fpealsto you of what they were eye-witnefes of. And the DifciplesTaut' the perfon, the transfiguration, and the miracles of.Claria Inforteuch that John thus.beginneth his Epitilc, a Cor.'.',,3. Una

The Life of Faith. [That which was frond the beginning which we have heard, which we have feen with our eyes, which we have lock.d up our bands have handled of the Wordof life, '(for the life was anani"ejled, andwe have feen it, and bearwirrefs, and/hew it to yo', that eternal life which was with the Father, and was ma- oufeftedunto us :) That which we have'fern and doctore we unto you.] So Paul, r Cor. 9. r. Am I not an Apoffle ? have have I not fern jefuc Cbriff our Lord, r Cor. r 5 5 6, 7. [Ho was feen of Cephas, then of the twelve : after that be was fees of above five hundred brethren at once, ofwhom thegreater part remainunto thisprefettt] bleb, a. 3, 4. This [great falvatien at firft began to be fpoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by them that heardhim; God alfo bearing themwitnefs, bah with, fgus and wonders, andwithdivers miracles and gifts of the holy GbeJI,according to hie own will.] 2 Pet. t. i 6,17.[For we have not followed cunningly devifedfables, when we, made known unto you the power andcoming of our Lord 3efua Orrif, but were eye- witneJes of his Majefly: For he received from God the Father ho nour andglory, when there came fuch a voice to him, front the ex- cellent glory: Thin is my beloved Son in whom I am welpleafed : And this voice which cane from Heaven, we heard when we were with him in the holy Mount.] And therefore when the Apoflles wire commanded by their perfecutors, not tofpeakat alt, or teach in the name of 3efua, they anfwered, [We cannot but fpeak the things which we have feen and beard.] As 4. IS, 20. So that much of the obj :ds of our faith to us invi- ftlle, have yet been fanby thofe that have infírumentaily re- vealed them ; and the glory of Haven it fclf is ken by many millions of fouls, that are now poffcfîog it. And the tradi- tion of the Tetlimony of the Apofîles unto us, is mure full andfatisfat`ory, than the tradition of anyLaws of the Land, or Hiflory of the moil unquefitonable affairs that have been done among the people of the earth : (as I have manifetied elfewhere.) So that faithbath the infall ble.Tefimony of God, and ofthem that havefees, and therefore is to us inf.adof fight. 6. Lally, Even the enemy of faith himfelfloth againt his wiH confirmour faith by the violence and rage ofmalice, that he (lirrtth up in the ungodly againíl the life offaith and holi- nefs i

The Life, ofFaith. 9 refs.; and by the imp.irtuoity of his oppofitions and tempta- tions, dilcovering that it is not for nothing that he is Co mali- ciou(ly fohcitous, induhrious, and vio;ent. And thus you fee how much faith hath, that (hould fully fatisfie a rational man, inifeadof prefence, pff cn andfight If any (hall here fay, [But why would not God Lt vs bate a fight of Heaven or Hell, when he co ld not but know that it would more generafy andcertain' have prevailed for the conver_ fion and felvation ofthe world: Doth be envy us the wolf ,f canal means ?. I antwer, t. Who art thou O man that difputeft againft God ? (hall the thingfortncd fay to him that form :d it, Why haft thou made me thus ? M: fl God come down to the bar of man, to render an account of the r afon of his works ? Why doyenot alto ask him a reafon ofthe nature, fituat ion, magni- tude, order, influences, &c. of all the Stars, and Súperiour Orbs, and call hitta to an account for all his works ? when yet thereare Comany things in your own bodies, of which you little underhand the reafon. Is it not intollerable impudency, for tuch worms as we, fo low, fodark, to qucllion the eternal God, concerning the reafon of his Laws and difp_nfations ? Dgwe not (hamefully forget our ignorance, and our difiance? 2. But if you mutt have a reafon, let this fu(fice you ; It is fit that the Government of God be fuited to the nature of the realnable fubje6t.And Reafon is made to apprehend morethan we fee, and by reaching beyond,fente, to carryus to teak things higher and better thanfenfe can reach. If you would have a man underhand no more than he fees, you would almofi equalize a wife man and a fool, and make aunan too like a beaft. Even in worldly matters, you will venture upon the greaten coti and pains for chi; things that you feenot, nor ever few. He that hath a journey to go to a place that he never few, will not think that a fufhcient reafon to hay at home. Toe M :r- chant will fail r000 miles to a Land, and for a Commodity, that henever fewMuff the Husbandman fee the-Harveff before he plow his Land,and Cow his feed ?Mufi the Fick manfeet,that he hathhealth before he ufe the means to get it ? Muff the Souldierfee that he hath the vicâory before he fight ? You would takeflab conceits in worldly matters to be the fym- C Atoms

Io The Life of Faith. ptoms of dittraiion : And will you cherifh them where they are moil pernicious? Hath God made man for any end, or for none ? If note, he is made in vain : If for any, no reafon can expect} that he fhould fee his end, before he rife the means, and fee his home before he begin to travel towards it. When chil- dren fitti go to School, they do not fee or enj,,y the learning and wifdom which by time and labour they muff, attain. Yon will provide for the children which you are like to have be- fore you fee them, To look thatfight which is our fruiti:-n it Pelf, (hould go before a holy life, is to expel the endbefore we will ufe the osecefarymeans. You lee here in the govern- ment ofthe world, that it is things unfeen that are the inllru- ments of rule, and motives of obedience. Shall no man be refrained from felonyor murders, but he that feeth-the Af- fizes or the Gallows ? It is enough that he foref.eth them, as being made known by the Laws. It would be no difcrimination of the good and bad, the wife and fooltJÌl, if the reward and punifhment muff befeen i' what thief fo mad as to flea' at the Gallows, or before the Judge ? The bafe(i habits would be rc(trained from acing, if the re- ward and punifhment were in fight. Themoil beaflly drun- kard would not be drunk ; the filthy fornicator would forbear his tuft ; the malicious enemy of godlinefs would forbear their calumnies and perfecutions, if Heaven and Hell were open to their fight. No man will play the adulterer in the face ofthe Aifhmbly : The chaff and unchatl form therealike : And fo they would do if they faw the face of the moti dreadful God. No thanks to any of you all to be godly if Heaven were tobe prefently feen ? or toforbearyourfin, ifyou lawHell fire, God will have a meeter way oftryal : You (hall believe hisproinifes,' ifever you will have the benefit, and believe his tbreatnings, if ever you will efcape the tbreatned evil. CHAP.

The Life of Faith. CHAP. z. Some Wes. Vfe z! His being the natire and ufe of Faith, to appre- hend things abfent as if thy were prejent, and things unfren, as if they were vifible before our eyes; you may hence underhand the nature of Chriftianity, and what it is to be a trueBeliever. Verily, it is another matter than the dreaming,. Pelf deceiving world imagineth. Hypocrites think that they are Chrifhians indeed, becaufe they have entertained a fuper- ficial opinion, that there is a Chrili, an immortality of fouls, a Refurrec`,fion, a Heaven and a Hell ; though their lives bear witnels, that this is not a living, and ffeUual faith ; but it is their fenjtive faculties and intereft that are pred minant, and are the byas of their hearts. Alas, a little obfervation may tell them,, that notwithflanding tl.eir moli confident pretentions to Chrihianity, they are utterly unacquainted with the Chri- ftian life. Would they live as they do, in worldly cares, and pampering of the ficfh, and neglect of God and the life to come, if they jaw the-things which they fay they do believe ? Could they be fenfual, ungodly and fecure, if they had a faith thatferv'd inftead of fight? Would you know who it is that is the Chriflian indeed ? I. He is one that liveth (in force meafure) as if he jaw the Lord : Believing in that God that dreelleth in theinaccefble light, that cannot be jeen by mortal eyes, he liveth as before his face. He !peaks, he prayer, he thinks, he deals with men, as if he law the Lord hand by. No wonder therefore if he do it with reverence and holy fear. No wonder if he make lighter of the !miles or frowns of mortal man, than others do that fee none higher and ifhe obferve not the luhre ofworld- lydignity, or fi:fhiy beauty, wifdom or vain - glory, before the tranfcendcnt incotnprehenfible light, to which the Sun it felt is darknefs. When he awaJeeth he is 'fill with God, Pfal. 134. 8, He jets the Lord alwaies before him, becaufe he is at hue right band, he is not moved, Pfal. 16. 8. And therefore the life of Believers is oft called, a walki7g wit b God, and a walk;7rg C 2 before II

r2 Ti.e Life of Faith. bet re God, as Gen. 5, 22, 24. & 6. 9. & 17 . z. in the cafe of Ifenoch, Noab, and Abraham. All the day dotb be wait on God, Peal. 25.5. Imagine your (elves what manner of person he mull be that fees the Lord; and conclude that such (in his measure) is the true believer. For by faith be Teeth him that io,inv f ble (wthe eye.of fent'e) and therefore can forfake the glory and pleafures of the world, and fcareth not the wrath of Princes, as it's Paid. ofMot s, Heb. I z. 27 .2. The Believer is one that loveth on a Cbrift wham be ne= verfaw, and trufeth in him, adbereth to him, acknowledgeth his benefits, loveth him, and njtycetb' in -him, as if he had Teen himwith his eyes. This is the faith which Peter calls more precious than perishing gold; that maketh us love bins whom we have not Peen, and in whom th;ugh now we fee him not, yet believing we rejoyce, with unfiiealable and glorious joy, act. z. S. Chriff dwelleth in h'r heart byfaith; not only by bill Spirit ; but objettively i as-our deareflabfent friend, doth`dwell' inour eflitnation and affet5tion, Ephej. 3. 17. 0 that the mi- ferable Infidels of the world, h_ ad the eyes, the hearts, the ex perienees ofthe true believer ! Then they that with Thomas tell thole that have teen him, [Except I may fee and feel, I will not believe] will be forced to cry out, [My Lordand my, Gad,] Joh. 20:25, &c. 3. ABeliever is one that judgetb of the man by bis invifible infide, and not by outwardappearances with a fleshly worldly judgement. He feetb by faith a greaterugliness in fin, than 'in any the mofi deformedmonfier. When the unbeliever faith, what harm is it to please myflesh, in cafe; or pride, or meat and drink, or lufl:ful wantonnefs ? the believer takes it as tilt q.ueflionofa fool, that should ask [what harm is it to take a dram ofM:rcury or Arfenick ?] He feeth the vicious evil, and forefeeth the confequentpenal evil, by the eye of faith. And therefore it is that he pittieth the ungodly, when they pitty not themfelves,. and fpeaks to them oft tw.ith a tender heart in compaflion of their mifery, and perhaps *ceps over them (as Paul, Phil. 3.18, 19.) when he cannot prevail ; when they weep not for themfelves, but hate his love, and (corn his pitty, and bid him keephis lamentations for himfelf, bccaufe they vot,whathe fees.

The Life ofFaith. He feeth alto the inward beauty of the Saints, (sr it (bunch forth in the holinefs of their lives) and through all their tordid poverty and centerrspt, beholdeth the image of God upon them. For he judgeth not oilier or h:)linefi as they now appear to the diftrae ed world ; but as they will be j dged of at the day which he forefreth; when fin will be the thane, and holinefs the honoured and d: fired flare. He can fee Chrift in his poor defpifcd members, and love God in thofe that are made as the (corn and offfeu-ing of all things, by the malignant unbelieving world: He-adtriireth the excellency and happinefs ofthole, that are male the laughing- ftock ofthe ung.Aly : and accounteth the Saints the mole ex- cellent on earth, Pfal. 16. 2. and had rather'be one of their communion in raggs, than fit with Princes that are naked within, and void ofthe true and durable glory: He judgeth ofinen as he perceiveth them to have more or Ices of Chrift. The worth cf'a man is not obvious to the fence. You fee hisffature,camplexion and his cloths; but as you fee not his learningor skill in any Art whatfoever, fo you fee not his grace and heavenlymind. As thefoul it fell, fo the finfui deformity, and the holy beauty of it, arc to us invifible, and perceived on- ly-by their fruits, and by the eye of faith, which feeth things as God reveals them. And therefore in the eyes of a true Be- liever, a vile perfon is contemned; but .be wonoureth thofe that fear the Lord, Pfal. 15. 4. 4. A true Believer doth fee a happinefs which he never law, and that with greater effimation and refolution, than he feeks t'e melt excellent things that he bath feen. In all his prayers; his labours; and his fufferings, it is an unfeen Glory that he leeks : he feetbnot the Glory of God, nor the glori- fied Redeemer, nor the world of Angels, and perfedcd fpi- nits of the juh : 'but he knoweth by faith, that filch a God, filch a Glory, filch a world as this there ir, as certain as if his eyes had teen it: And therefore he provides, he lives, he hopes, he waits, for this unfeen Rate of fpiritual 'blifs, con= temning all the wealth and glory, that fight can reach in cotn- parifon thereof. He believeth what hefted fee ; and therefore ftrives that hemay fee it. It's fomething above the Sun, ar.d all that mortal eyes can fee, which is the end, the hope, the C 3_ portion

14 The Lije of Faith. portion of a believer, without which all is nothing to him and for which he trades and travels here, as worldlings do for worldly things, Matth. 6. 20, 21. Col. 3. t, Phil, 3. 20. 5. A truc Believer dotb all his life prepare for a day that is yet to come, and for an account of all the paffages of his life, though he hath nothing but the Word of God, to affure him of it. And therefore he lives as one that is hafting to the pretence of his Judge ; ancfhe contriveth his affairs, and dif= pot th of his worldly riches, as one that looks to hear of it again, and as one that remembreth the Judge is at the door, James 5. 9. He rather asketh, [what life, what words, what aftions, what way, of uting my citate and interef{, will be fweettit tome in the review, and will be heft, at laft when I mutt accordingly receive my doom ?] than [what is malt pieafant to my flefh ? and what will ingratiate me moil with men ? and what will accommodate me belt at prefcnt ? and fee me higheft in the world ? ] And therefore it is, that he pittieth the ungodly even in the height of their profperity; and is foearnest (though it offend them) to procure their re- covery, as knowing that how fecure fosver they are now, they muff give an account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead, I Per. 4.5. and that then the cafe will bealtered with theprefumpruous world. 6. Lailly, A true believer is careful to prevent a threatned mifery which he never felt ; and is awakened by holy fear to /lye front the wrath to come, and is induftrious toefcape that place of torment which he never taw, as if he had teen it with his eyes. When he heareth but the found of the trumpet, he takes warning that be may fave his foul, Ezek. 3 3.4. The evils that are herefelt and feen, are not fo dreadful tohim, as thofe that he nevertaw or felt. He is not fo careful and refolute, to avoid the ruine of his citateor name, or to avoid the plague, or (word, or famine, or the fcorching flames, or death, or tor- ments, as he is to avoid the endle& torments, which are threatned by the righteous God. It is a greater mifery in his ellcem, tobe really undone for ever, than f emingy only for a time, and tobe catsoff by God, than by all the world ; and to lie in Hell, than to luffer any temporal calamity. And thereforehe fears it more, anddothmore to avoid it ; and is more