78- The Life of Faith. 8. Fielly, Learn to Die alto as Believers. The life of Faith mutt bin IOU to the very entrance into glory : where one doth end, the other begins. As our dark life in the womb bynutriment from the Mother, continueth till our paffage into theopen world. You would die in the womb, if Faith thould ceafe, before it bring you to full intuitionand fruition, Heb. 11.22. By faith 7ofeph when be died made mention ofthe departing of the children of Ifracl. Jnfephs faith did not die before him, Heb. 11. 3. There all died in faith, confeffing that they were ftrangers and pilgrims on the earth) and declaring that they fought a better Country. They that live by faith, mull die in faith ; yea and die by faith too. Faith muff fetch in their dying comforts. And O how full, and how near a treafurehath it to go to ? To die to this world, is tobe born into another. Beggars are bell when they are abroad. The travail of the ungodly is better to them than their home. But the Believers home is fo much better thanhis travail, that he bath little caufe to be afraid of coming to his Journeys end ; but thoald rather every fiep cry out, O when (hall I be at home with Chrift ! Is it Earth or Heaven that you have prayed for, and laboured for, and waited, and fuffered for till now ? And doth he indeed pray, and labour, and firer for Heaven, who would not come thither ? It is Faith which overcometh the world and the Acth, which mutt aifo overcome the fears of death ; and can look with boldnefs into the loathfome grave, and can triumph over both asvit:lgrious through Chritt. "It is Faith which can " fay, [Go forth0my foul ; depart in peace : Thycourt is "fini(hed Thy warfare is accomplithed : The-dayof triumph "isnow at hand: Thy patience hath no longer work: Go "forth with joy : The morning of thy endlefs }oyes isnear; sc and thenight Weirs and darknefs at an end. Thy terrible " dreams arc ending in eternal pleafures : The glorious light. will banifh all thy dreadful fpe lcrs, and refolve all thofe " doubts whichwere bred and cherithed in the dark : They "whole employment is their wearinefl and toil, do take the "night ofdarlZne/l and cefjationfor their reff : 'But this is thy "wearinefs : Defell of alien is thy toil; and thymoll grie- " vous labour is to do too little work : And thy unceffant g` Viftsns