The Lift of Faith. at his plcafure : For if he may chufe the time, he may chufe fuoccfs. Many a man hath cart up a large account well, or written a learned Treatife or Pofition well, who cannot clear up all objceied difficulties on a fudden, nor without Books tell you all that he before wrote ; efpccially if he be half drunk or flcepy, or in the midst of other thoughts or bufinefs. 15. When you are once perfwaded of the truth of Chri- ftianity, and the holy Scriptures, think, not thatyou need not Judy it any more, becaufe you do already confidently believe it ; For ifyour faith be not built on fuch cogent evidence as will warrant the conclufion (whether it be at the prcfent found or not) you know not what change affaults may make upon you (as we have known them do onCome ancient eminent Pro- fefïbrs of the liri&eft Godlincfs, who have turned from Chrift, and thebelicfofimmortality.) Take heed how you underftand the common laying of the Schools, that Faith differetb from Knowledge, in that it bath not Evidence: It hath not evidence of fenfe indeed; nor the immediate evidence of things invifrblc, as in tbemfelves; but as they are the conclufi^ns which follow the principles which are in themfclves more evident. It is evident that God is true; and we canprove by good evidence, that the Chriflian Verity is his Revelation : And therefore it is evident (though not immediately in it felt) that the matter of that word or reve- lation is true. And as Mr. Rich. Hooker truly faith [No man indeed believeth beyond the degree of evidence of truth which appcareth to him, how confidently foever they may talk.] I remember that our excellent Tljher anfwcred me to this cafe, as out ofArintinenftr, that [faith hash evidence of Credibility, and fcience bath evidence of Certainty.] But un- doubtedly an evidence of Divine Revelation, is evidence of Certainty. And all evidenceof Divine Credibility, is evidence ofCertainty ; though of humane faith and credibility, the cafe be othcrwifc. 16. Yea, tbinknot that you have done thefettling ofyour faith, whenonesyou have foundout the foundelf evidences, and are able to anfwer aD Objetiiona : For you mull grow full in the fuller, difccrningand digctling the fame evidences which you have dti'cerncd 95