.._.._- The Life ofFaith. 143 within us : And as he is himfelfa Spirit, fo it is with the Spi- rit that he doth moti apparently converte, in the work of his moral-Government in the world. r. There you thall find a Low of tiu: or an inward conviction of much of that o.e- d,ence which you owe to God. 2. There you fhall find an in- wardmover, (hiving with you to draw you to perform this duty. 3. There you (hall find the inward fuggcf}ions of an enemy, labouring to draw you away from this duty, and to make a godly life feem grievous to you ; and alto to draw you to all the fins which Chrifi forbiddeth. 4. There you (hall End an inward convic` ion, that God isyour Judge, and that he will call you to account for your wilful violations of the Laws of Chrift. 5. There you (halt find an inward fentence pall upon you, according as you dogood or evil. 6. And thereyou may find the foreti Judgements of God infl 6Rcd, which any (port of Hell endure. You may. there find howGod for fin doth fira afliit% the foul that is not quite forfaken, with troubles and affrightmcnts, and fome of the feeling of his difpicafure. And where that is long dcfpifcd, and men finon Rill, he ufeth to with hold his gracious mo- tions, and leave the (inner dull and fenfelefs, fo that he can fin with finful remorfe, having no heart or life to.any thing that is fpiritually good : And ifyet the firmer think not of his condition, to repent, he is ufually fo far forfaken as to be given up to thepower of his moil bruitifh luft ; and to glo- ry impudently inhis thame, and tohate and perfecute the frr- vants of Chrifi, who would recover him ; till he hath filled up the meafute of his fin, and wrath be come upon him to theuttermofi, Ephef. 4. r$, 19. r The( 2.:5, 16. being abo- minable, and difobcdient, and to every good work reprobate, Titus t. 15, :6. Betides the leffer penal withdr.awings'of the Spirit, which Gods own fervants find in themfelves, after forme fins oráneglectsof grace. 7.-And there alto you may find the Rewards of LT..e and faithful duty ; by many tattes of Gods acceptance, and many comforts of his Spirit, and by his owning the foul, and giving out larger afliftanee of his Spirit, andpeace of confciencc, and ° t entertainment in prayer, asid all approaches of the foul to God,