The Life of Faith. your lives. This is indeed to live by Faith, when it workerb by that Love, which is our holinefs and life. Diref. 13. Let not Faith overlooktbe Books of the Creation, and the wonderful dernonftrations of Gods Attributes there- in. Even fuch revelations of Gods goodncfs and fidelity as are made in Nature, or the works of Creation, arc fometirnes in Scriptures mad, the objcds of faith. At lead we who by, the belief of the Scriptures, do know how the worlds were made, lieb. r r. 2, 3. mull belicvingly Rudy this glorious work of our great Creator. All thofe admirations and praifes of God as appearing in his works, which David ufeth, were not without the ufe offaith. Thus faith can ufe the world as a. fanCtified thing, and as a glafs to fee the glory of God in, while fenfutl linnets ufe it againet God to their own perdi- tion, and make it an enemy to God and them; focontrary is the life of Faith and of Senfe. He bath not the heart of a wan within him, who is not thicken with admiration ofthe Power, and Idrijdom and Goodnefs of the incomprehenfibk Creator, whenhe ferioufly looketh to the Sun and Stars, to Sea and Land, to the courteof all things, and to the won- derful variety and natures of the particular creatures. And he hath not the heart of a Believer in him, who doth not think [Owhat a God is it whom I am bound to retire, and who bath taken me intohis Covenant as his child ! How happy are they who have fuch a God, engaged to be their God and. Happinejs ? And howmifcrable arc they who make fuch a God their revenging Judge and enemy ? Shall I. ever again. wilfully, or carelcfly fin againti a God of fo great Majetly ? If the Sun were an intellectual Deity, and Rill looked on me,. thould I prefumptuoufly offend him ? Shall I ever difrutt the power ofhim that made fuch a world?Shall I fear a worm,. a mortal man, above this great and terrible Creator ? shall I ever again refill or difobcy the word and wildern of him, who made and.ruleth fuch a world? Doth ho govern the whole, world, and thould not I be governed by him ? Hathhe Good- nefs enough to communicate ashe hath done to Sun and Stars to Heaven and Earth, to Angels and Men, and every wight ? and hath hc.not Goodnefs enough to draw, and engage, and A a 3 continually..