Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

a-- ) $i. The Life of Faith. continually delight, this dull and narrow heart of mine ? Doth the return ofhis Sun, turn the darkfome night into the lightfome day, and bring forth the creatures to their food and labour ; doth its approach revive the torpid earth, and turn the congealed winter into the pleafant fpring, and cover the earth with her fragrant many-cólourcd Robes, and renew the life and joy of the terrettrial inhabitants ; and thall I find no- thing in the God who madeand hill continueth the world, to be the life, and ttrcngth, and pleafure of my foul ? Pfal. 66. i. &c. Make a joyful wife unto God, all ye Lands : ling forth the honour of his Name ; make his pral/eglorious: fayunto God, How terrible art thou in thy works ? and fee the works of God: He is terrible in his doing towards the children of men. He ruletb by his power for ever : bis eyes behold the Na- tions : let not the rebellious exalt them(elves. O biefs our God ye people, and make the voice ofhispraife to be beard! who boldetb ourfoul in life, and fuffereth not our feet to be moved, Pfal. 36. S, 9, Io. Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord, neither are there any works like unto thy works. All Nations whom thou haft made /hall come and worfhip before thee, O Lord, andThal glorifie thyName : For thou art great, anddoff wonderous things : thouart God alone, Pfal. 92. 5, 6. O Lord howgreat are tby works ! thy thoughts are very deep , a bruitijh man knowetb not, neither dotb a fool underffand this. Faith doth not feparate it fell from natural knowledge, nor neglect Gods Works, while it ttudyeth his Word ; but faith Pfal. 543. 5. I meditate onall tby Works : I mufe on the work of thy bands. Pfal. too. z¢. 0 Lord, bow manifold are thy works ! in wifdom bag thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches ; fo is thegreat andwide Sea, en, Nay, it is greatly to be noted, that as Redemption is to re- pair the Creation, and the Redeemer came to recover the foul ofman tohis Creator, and Chritl is the way to the Father ; fo on the Lords day our commemoration of Redemption includeth and is fubfcrvient to our commemorationof the Creation, and the work of theancient Sabbath is nót lhut out, but taken in with theproper work of theLords day: and as Faith in Chrift is a mediategrace to caufe in us the Love ofGod; fo the Word of the Redeemer doth not call off our thoughts from the Works