The Life of Faith. Tgi_._. aaam. Works of the great Creator, but call them back to that employ- ment, and fit us for it by reconciling us to God. Therefore it is as fuitable to the Gofpel Church at leaf+, as it was to the jewifh, to make Gods works the matter ofour Sabbath praifes, and to fay, as Pfal.:45. 4, 5, t o. One gene- ; ation fhall praife thy works to another; and 'hall declare thy mighty aîls : I will #eak of the glorious honour of thy Majefy, ,end of thy wonderous works: And men 'hall fpeak of the might of thy terrible alts, and I will declare thy greatnefs AQthyworksihall praife thee 0 Lord, and thySaints 'hall biefs thee, Pfal. 26. 6, 7. 1 will walk my bands in innocency, and fo will I compafs thine Altar 0Lord, that I may publifb with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wonderous works, Pfal. 9. ¡Z. 1 will praife thee 0 Lord tvith my whole heart, I will 'hew forth all thy marvelousworks.. Dire. 14. Let Faitb alfo obferve God in his daily Provi dences ; andequally honour hintfor the ordinary and the extra- ordinary garages thereof. The upholding of the world is a continual caufing of it ; and differeth from creation, as the continued thining of a Candle doth from 'the fittf lighting of it. If therefore the Creation do wonderfully declare the power, and Wifdosn, and Goodnefs of God; fo alto doth the confervation. And note that Gods ordinaryworks arc as great demontlrations of him in all hisperfections, as his extraordinary : Is it not as great a de- claration of the Power of God, that he caufe the Sun to thine, and to keep its wonderous courfe from age to age, as if he did tuch a thing but for a day or hour ? and as if he caufed it to Rand Rill a day ? And is it not as great a demontfration of his knowledge alto, andof his goodnefs ? Surely we fhould take it for as great anad ofLove, tohave plenty, and health, and joy continued to us as long as we dctired ir, as for an hour. Let not then that duration and ordinarinefs of Gods manife- Rations to us, which is their aggravation, be lookt upon as if it were their extenuation : But let us admire God in the Sun and Stars, in Sea and Land, as if this were the firR time that ever we had teen them. And yet let the extraordinarniefs of his`works have its effcas alto : Theirufc is toRir up the drowle mind of man, to fee God.