184 The Lije of Faith. God in that which is unufual, who is grown cuhomary and lifelefs in obferving him in things ufu »l. Pharaoh and his Ma- gicians will acknowledge God, in thole unu(unl works, which they are no way able to imiiate themfelves, and fay, Ibis is the finger of God, 'Exod. 8. 19. And therefore miracles are never tobe made light of, but the finger ofGod to be acknow- !edged in them, whoever be the infirument or occafion; Luke 11. ao. There arc frequently alto Come notable, .. though not mi- raculousProvidences, in the changes ofthe world, and in the difpofal ofall events, and particularly of our (elves, in which aBeliever fhould hill fee God; yea fee him as the total caufe, and take the inliruments to be next to nothing ; and not gaze all at men as unbelievers do : but fay, This is the Lords doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes, Pfal.118. 23. Sing unit, the Lord a newTong, for he bath done marvelous things, PfaL 98. 1. Marvelous are tby works, and that my foul knot-cosh right well, Pfal.139. 14. Direct. 15. But lit the chief Iludy of Faith for the know. ledge ofGod, be of the face ofJefus CbríJ, and the mft won- derful myftery of hie Incarnation, andour Redemption. For God is no where elk fo fully manifefted to man,in that Goodnefs, Love, and Mercy, which it moll concerneth us toknow ; and the knowledge of which will be molt healing and fanâifying to the foul : But of this I mull (peak more in the chapter next following. Dire `& 16. Les Faith makeufe of every mercy, not only to acknowledge God therein, but to have a plea(ant raffe and rellife of bit Love. For thus it is that they are all fanl]ified to Believers, and this is the holyufe of mercies : Remember that as in order to Vnderftanding, your eyes and ears arebut the paffages or inlets to your minds ; and iffghts andfounds went no further than the fenfes, you would be no better, if not worfe than beafls: So alto in order to Affec7ion, the raffe and fenfe of fweetnefs, or any other pleafure, is to pats by the retire unto the heart; and what fhould it do there, but glea the heart with the Love and Goodnefs of the giver. A beall talleth as much ofthe fenftive fwcctncfs ofhis food and cafe as youdo :