186 7he Life of Faith. the promife of the benefit, Rout. 5. 12, 14, 16, 17, 18. a Car, III. 30, 32. der. 5.25. Micah t. 5. Amos 3. 2. Yea this opinion directly fruflrateth the hrff end and ufe of all chafìifcments which is to further mens Repentance for the evil of fin, by the fenfe ofthe evil of punifhmcnt, and the no- tice of Gods difpteaafure manifefled thereby : And next to make us warnings to others, that they incur not the fame correction and difpleature as we have done. For he that faith, there is nopenalty or evil in the futferin , nor no difpteafure of God exprefl thereby, doth contradid all this. Bat as it is a great benefit which we are to reap by our corre&ions, even the furtherance of our Repentance and amendment , fo it is agree work of faith, to perceive the bitternefs of fin, and the difpteafure of God in thcfe corrections : of which more anon. Direâ. 18. Faith ntvfi hear the voice of Godin all his Word, and in all the counfel which by any one he (hall fend us. When fenfe takerh notice of nothing but a book., or of none but a man, faith muff perceive the mind and meffage ofGod. Not only in Preach:rs, 2 Cor.5. 19, 20. t 7hef2. 13.Titus 2.5. Heb. 13.7. but alto in the mouth of wicked enemies, when it is indeed the will of God which they reveal. And fo David heard the curfc of Sbimei, (peaking to him the rebukes of God, for his fin in the matter of Vtiah, 2 Sam. t6. 0, 11. And Paul rejoyced that Chríff was preached by men of envy and (trite, who did it to add afltdion to his bonds, Phil. r.18. Mofes perceived the will of God in the counfel ofJethro, even in as great a matter as the governing and judging of the people, Exod.18. 19. The counfel of the ancients which Re- hoboam forfook, was the counfel of God which be rejet2ed, r King. 12. 8. David bleffed God for the counfel ofa woman, Abigail. Whoever be the Meffenger, a Believer should be ac. quainted with the voiceofGod, and know the true fignifi- cations of his will. The truefheep of Chriff do know bis voice, and follow him, becaufe they are acquainted with his Word ; and though the Preacher be himfelf of a finful life, he can di- flinguifh betwixt God and the Preacher ; and will not fay, it is not the Word ofGod, becaufc it cometh from a wicked mouth. For he hath read, Peal. 5o. r6. where (3od faith to the INN