Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. the wicked, Wbat haft thou to do to take my Covenant in thy mouth, feting thou hateff inftruúion, and haft cafi ny .words behind thee : But he never read [to the godly, faith God, Why didfi thou hear a wicked Preacher ?] He hath read, hie Scribes and Purifies fit in Mofts chair, bear them, but do not as they do. But henever read [Hear nonethat live not accord- ing to their dolrine.a An unbeliever will not knowChrifts Word, if a Judas be the Preacher of it : but a Believer can read the commiulionof 7udas, or at leafl can underfiandwhofe counfel he delivereth : and though he would be loth to cbufe a Judas, or to prefer him before ahoyman ; yet ifworkersof iniquity do preach in ariasNome, he leaveth it to Chrift to fay at Judgement, I know you not, Mat. 7. 21, 22. Ails r. 17, 24. DireO. 19. Faith muff not look at God now and then, and leave the foul in ordinary forgetfulnefs of him : but remember that he is alwaiesprefent, and muft make ur rather forget them that are talking to us, or converfing with us, than to forget the Lord. Nothing is more thework of Faith, than to fa him who to invifible, Heb. r i. 27. And to live as one that Bill remember- eth, that God ftandeth by : To think as one that knoweth thatour thoughts are aiwaies inhis fight, and tofpeakand do as one that forgettethnot, that he is the confiant and molt re- verendwitnefs ofall. To hear, and pray, and live,and labour as ifwe faw the God who employcth us, and will reward us, Mattb. 6. 4, 6. Ife. 59. 18. Ken. 20. 12. Math. 16. 27. Rom.2.6. Dim*. 20, Faith muff lay the heart ofstan, to reft in the Will of God, and tomake it our chief delight to pleafe him, and quietly to traft him whatever cometh to pap : And to make no thingof all that would rife up egainf him, or enticeus from bim, or wouldbe to us as in bisftead. Faith fceth that it is the ?leafing of the will ofGod, which is all our work, and all our reward : And that we fhould be fully pleated in the pleating of him : And that there is no other refi for the foul to be thought on, but the will ofGod: And it mutt content the foul in him alone, z Tbef. r. r a. Cola 3.20. t Cor,7.32, I thef.4. I. 2 7ím.2.4. fieb. a I.6.Mat.3. r7. Bb 2 & 17.5. t<a7