188 The Life of Faith. fit 17.5. Heb. 13. t6. Pfcl.. s6. 5. & 73. 26. & 119. 57. &14a. 5. As God is often called Jealous, cfpecially over the heart of man fo faith muff make us jealous of our felves, and very watchful againff every creature, which would become any part of the felicityor ultimate objete of our fouls. God is fo great to a believing foul, that eafe, and honour, and wealth, and pleafure, and all men, high and low muff be as dead and nothing to us, when they (peak againff him, or would be loved, or feared, or trailed, or obeyed before him, or above him : It is as natural to a true life of Faith on God, to make no thingof the incroaching creature, as for our beholding the Sun, to make nothing ofa Candle. And thus is faithour victory over the world, 1 Sohn 5.4. Jer. 17.5. Ifa. 2. 22. i Car, 15.28. Ephef. 4. 6. Col: 3. ii,; CHAP. IL %ëY Diretiens bow to live by Faith on Jefus Chriff. SO much is Paid already towards this in opening the grounds of Faith, as will excufe me from being prolix Lin the rcft : And the following parts of the Life of Faith, are ffill fuppofed as fubordinate to thefe two which go be- fore. Dire& r. Keepffill the true Keafons of Chrifis Incarnation andMediation uponyour mind (as they are before expreffed) elfe Chrift will not be known by you ás ChriR. Therefore the Scripturesare .much in declaring the reafons of Chrifis coming into the world, as to be a facr.fice for fin, to declare Gods loveand mercy to tanners ; to leek and to fave that which was loll ; to deftroy the works of the Devil, &e. 1 Tim. i. IS. i John 3, S. Flab. 2.14. Luke 19. 10. Km. 5. io. i John 3.1. Gal. 4, 4, 6, &c. Let this name er defcription of Chrift be engraven as in capital Letters upon your minds. THE ETERNAL WISDOM OF GOD INCARNATE TO RE- VEAL AND COMMUNICATE HIS WILL, HIS LOVE, HIS SPIRIT' TO SINEVL MISERABLE MAN. Diacd,