Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

Tgß The .Life of Faith. todemontlratc Gods Jultice, had come to thew, that he had rather punith the innocent, than the guilty : But the cafe is quite otherwife : God doth not delight in mans ill ñcrings as tech ; no notof the guilty, much lets of the innocent :He defircd not Chrifts fuffeting for it jell: But as it was a con- venient means, to demonfirate his Suffice, and his Holinefs, . and to vindicate the honour of his Government and Law, and to be a warning to tanners, not to fin prefumptuoufly ; and yet todeclare to them the greatnefs ofhis Love, And Come arc ready to gather from Chrifis propitiation,that God is now more reconcileable to fin, and fo they blafpheme him as ifhe were unholy : As if he made a (mailer matter of our mif-doings, fince he is fatisfied for them by a Mediator. And they areready to gather, that God can now take com- placency in man, though he have no inherent holinefs at all, becaufe of the righteoufnefs ofChrifl imputed tohim. And fume take Gods imputation of Chriffs righteoufnefs to us, tobe a reputing us robe the perfoes, who our [elves fulfilled the Law in or by Chrifl; fo that his very Attributes of Wejdom, and Love, and Flolinefs, and Suffice, and Mercy, &c.- which Chrift came purpofely to declare, are by fome denyed, blafphemed or abufed, on pretence ofextolling Chrift and our Redem- ption ; as if we might fin that grace may abound, Rom, 6. 1,2, But if while we jeekto be juffified by Cbri(f, roe our [elves elfo arefound fnners, is therefore Chrift the Miniffer of fin? God forbid, Gal. 2. 17. Direét. 3. Diffinguijh between the common and the #ecial benefits of mans redemption by Chriff ; andfee how the latter do [untie the former -and jet not the je parts againff each ether, which God inwijdom bath joynedtogether. Topats by all other the great and notable common benefit, is theconditional Covenant ofgrace or the conditional pardon offin, andgift of eternal life to all witbout exception, John 3. 16., Mark 16.15, r6. Rom. ro. 9. Mat. 6.14, 15. Mat.22.7,8,9. And this general conditional prontife muff be flea preached ; and the preaching ofthis is the univerfal of common call and offer of grace : And it mutt be firA believed, as is before laid. But the actual belief of it, according to its true in- tent and meaning, deth prove our at$ual perfonal title to all the