The Life ofFaith. i 91 the benefits which were before given but conditionally, John 3. x6. r Jobn 5. 10, r r, 12. 2 Cor. 5. t 9,20 2/. Direte . 4. Accordingly jtrdpe how far Redemption is common or fpecial, by the common and #eeial benefits procured. For no man can deny but it is fo far common, as the benefits are common : that is, fo far as to procure and give to finners a common conditional pardon as aforefaid (as Dr. Twiffe very of- ten taketh notice.) And no man can affirm, that it is commcn to all, fo far as abfóltttelyor eventuaúy togive them aâual par- donand falvation, unlcís they dream that all are faved. But that fume eventually and infallibly arc faired, all confefs : And we had rather think that Chritl and the good pleafure of God, is the chief differercing caufe, than we our felves. Direct. 5. Set not the feveral parts of the Office of Cbrift againff each other ; nor either deprefl or forget any one part, whileyou magnifie and meditate only on the other, I t is moli ordinary to reduce all the Office ofChrifi, to the Prophetical, PrieJtly, and Kinglypart. (For it is more proper to call them three parts of one Office, than three Offices :) But it is hard to reduce his Incarnation, or his infant-humilia- tion, and his whole courfe of obedience, and fulfilling the Law to anyone, or all oftheee, totally. Though in Come re- fped, as it is his example, it is teaching, and as it is part of his humiliation, it may be called apart of his facrifice ; yet as it is meritorious, obedience and perfefïion, it belongeth indeed to our High- Prie(t, but not formally to his Priellhood : No ,nor yet as be himfelfis the facrifice for fin : For it is not an ad of Priefthood to be himfelf a facrifice. But yet I think the com- mon defiribution intimateth to us that Cenfe which contain - eth the truth which we enquire after : For the word Prieft- hood is applyed toChrifi in a peculiar notion, fo as it is never applyed to any other; and therefore is taken more compre- henfively, as including all that good which he doth for us (as good) by the way of Mediation with the Father, and all his as of Mediationwith God ; as the Prophetical and Kingly, parts, contain his other ads toward men. But yet a more' plain and accurate deftribution fhould be made ; in which it fhould bemanifet}ed alto to what heads his many other of- fumed titles of Relation are to be reduced : But thisis not a work for this place. But