192 The Life of Faitb. But that which now I adwife you to avoid, is the errour of them who look fo much at Chriffs Mediation with God,that they fcarcc obferve his work with man: And the errour of them who look fo much at his work on man, that they over- look his Mediationwith God: And theirs that fo obferve his facrifice, as to make light of his continual interce f on : or that obfery ingbotb,make light of his ell rive and example : Or that obferve theft fo much as to make light of his facrifice and in- terceffion: Or that extol his doarine ,and example, and over- look his giving of the spirit to all his living members : Or that cannot magnifie any one of thefe, without depreffing or extenuating tome o! her. IfChriffs Kingdom be not divided, Mat. i 2.2 . foreChilli himfclf is.not divided, nor his works, r Car. t. 13. Dire. 6. Still diffinguifh between Chrifis work of Re- demption, which be hash already wrought on earth, toconffitute him our Mediatory Head, and that which be was further to do for us in that Relation; that you may ground your faith on the fsrß as a foundation laid by him, and may leek after the fecond as that which requireth fomewbat from your [elves to your own participation. The fitti part is commonly called the Impetration, the fecond the Application (or rather, the Communication) As God did ftti do himfelf the work of Creation, and thence refult his Relations of our Owner, our Ruler, and our Chief Good (or our Love, or End, or Benefa6 or ; ) fo Chriff firti doth the works which make bim our Redeemertowards God ; and then he is alfoour Owner, our Ruler,and our communicative Bene- faelor, hereupon. And this feemeth intimated by thole phrafes, Heb. g. 8. & 2. 9, io. where he is laid to learn obe- dience by the things which he fufered, that is, as a fubj:iâ ex- erciled obedience, and fo learnt to know byexperience what obeying is. And that (theCaptain of our falvationwas made perfetï by fufferings, and for juffering death was crowned with glory) becaulehis fuflerings did conflitute him a pert& Cap- tain or Redeemer in performance ; though before he was per- fed in ability. As he that undertaketh to redeem Come Turkith gaily -(laves by conquering their Navy, is made a perfc . Redeemtr, or Conquerour, when he hath taken the fleet,