Reader, The firtf and great Erxour of the Printer, is, that he hath not diffinguifhed the three diffind Parts of the Trea- dle. Thereforeyou mutt write Page 1. PA R T. 1, red Fag.Si. PART z. Chap. r. and Pstg. 168. PART 3. Chap. r. N the Preface, Page 3.1. r6. put if you wouldhave. p. S. 1.8. put out have p. 3 1 . 1 . 3 1 . put output p. 4o.1.22. for teat T. the p. 5 r.1. 37, for yo.:r r.their p. 54. 1.13. for believe r. defre p. 66.1. 31. for again¡l r, at p. 67. 1. 3z. for tait; r. qe aye p. 68. 1.8, for murmurs r. mo .riz 1.27. after better put co ¡trey p. 69. 1.17. r.euma p. 7o 1. i6-r. vento(ara p.75. 1. z4. r. made them p. 77. 1. in. T. litnnte p. 87.1. 3. for offeredreadobfrved p.93. l 25. for cannotr. can p.96.112 .for Nations r :*otions'.zt.r.conduceth p. 99.1.9. T. which .'t p, 10 1.1.38. for Gooditels r Goodwill p. 130;1.13.r. inconfiderateeecßp.134. I. ro. r. hi[lorUt:ecnfrs p. 155.1. 37. for never r. fleurer p. 163.1.6. put our are p. 166.1. e. for worlteth r. ;rai l,=e!h 1, 24. r. a ::rte at 1. 19, r. ta[eth p. 196. T. 7. for meaitate r. mediatep. z06.1.1.r. call:01.4. for his r. this p z r7. (falfe Printed for 209) I. 33. blot outer p. 214. 1: 6, for was T. were p. 232.1. 19. r. Antoninusp. 241.1.31. r. ro¡mutative p.244.1. 3 8. put out of p. 249. 1. 5. for rather r. alwa'esp. 250.1. 9. blot out O and r. of ob}e5l ve ;ra'e 1.30. for promi(ith r. promi;'eth not p.253. 1.11. forconfrnetb r. confneth 1. 10. for le(3 of r.foßof p. 254.1.29. r. non-amidon p. 332. 1.33. r. which ;i: og p. 346. 1.14. r. faults p, 359. 1. i8. for hin r. h:infelfp 366.1. 29. for that r. thep.371.1.12. for there r. thenp. 38.2. 1. eS. for as r. or p324.1. 3. put a comma after efJic;ene end Dirigent p. 405.1.36.r. chrJuans p. 406.1. 37. for end r. and p. 4 t 1.1 16. r. th'nes p.413.1. 20. for it r. is p. 4r4. 1.2. putout or and 1.34. for 'n It r. in Ys (elfeit isblafphenlyagainflthe Scripture) p.430.1.23. put out may p 435.,e'ealp.441. 1. 5. put out not p. 485.1. 25 for thernfclvcsr.hir;e[l p.;505.1. 27. r. A(/éntp. 540. 1,, zr. put out andp., 582.1 i1. r. ('ends.