THE Life of Faith. .HEBREWS 11. 1. Now faith is the f ithfance of things hoped for the ervidence of things notjeen. Hough the wicked are difii.7giilhcd to Hypocrites and V ibeii vers, yet Hy- pocrites themfelves are Vabclievers too. They have no faith which they car ju- lì,fie, by its prevailing efficacy and works : and therefore have no faith by which they can be juflift:d. Becaufe their difc ;very is needful to their recvery, and all our talvatiòn depends on the fincerity of oar faith. D have chofen this text, which is a defcription of faith, that the opening, of it may help us for the opening of our hearts, and tcto'.ving the great qucfiion, on which our endlcfs life de- pends. To be a Chrifiien, and to be a Believer in Chriii, are words in Scripture of the fame fignitication. If you have not faith, you are not Chrrfiatos. This faith. bath various offices an3 B objets.