416 The Life of Faith. men (Popes, or Councils, or the holiett Pattors, or 1tridett people) the Rule either of our faith or lives. Becaufe they are all imperfect and difcordant, when the Scripture is con- cordant and compleat. He that is led by them, may erre, when as the Scripture hath no errour. And yet it is certain, , that even the isaperfea knowledge and grace of faithful Patiors and companions, is ofgreat ufe to thofe that are more imper- fed than they, to teach them the Scriptures, which are more perfeót than they all. 6. Hence we fee why it is, that Religionbringeth fomuch trouble, and fo little comfort to the molt, or too many that are in part Religious. Becaufe it is lame and confnfed in them. Is it any wonder-that a difplaced bone is painful ? or that a difordered body is tick, and hath no great pleafure in life ? or that a difordered or maimed watch or clock, doth not go right ? Owhat a lifeof pleafure fhould welive, ifwe were but loch as the Scripturedoth require ! and the Religion in our hearts and lives were fully agreeable with the Religion dcfcribed in the Word of God. 7. And hence we fcc why most true Christians are fo que rufous, and have alwaies fomewhat tocomplain ofand lament ; which the fendlefs, or lelijuflifying hypocrites overlook in themfelves. No wonder if fuch difeafed fouls complain. 8. And hence we fee why there is fuch diverfity and divi. ,ions among Believers, and loch abundance of Sets and Par. tics, and Contentions, and fo little Unity, Peace and Con- cord. And why all attempts for Unity take fo little in the Church. Becaufe they have all fuch wcaknefs,and ditiempers, and lamenefs,and confufcdnefs, and great difproportions in their Religion. Do you wonder why he liveth not in peace, and concord, and quietnefs with others, whohath no better agreement in himfelf? and no more compofcdnefsand true peace rt home ? Mcns grace and parts arc much unequal. 9. And hence we fee why there arc fo manyfcandals among Christians, to thegreat dithonour of true Chritlianity, and the great hisaderanceoftheconvert-ion of the Infidel, Heathen and ungodly world-: What¡wonder iftome difordcr, falthood, and eionfufion appear without, in words and, deeds, when there is -4much ever dwelling in the mind ì ro. Lailly,