7'he Life ofFaith. to. Laftly, Hence we may learn what to cxpe& from par- ticular perfons, and what to look for alto publickly, in the Church; and in the world. He that knoweth what man is, and what godly men arc, but as well as I do, will hardlyexpert a concórdant uniform building to be made of fuchdifcordant and uneven materials; or that a let offirings, which are all, or aimoft all out of tune, thould make any harmonious melody ; or that a number of Infants (hould confiitutc an Army ofva- liant men ; or that a company that can fcaree fpell, or read, thould conftitute a learned Academy. God mull make a change upon individual perfons, if ever he will make a great change in the Church. They mutt be more wife, and chari- table, and peaceableChriftians, who mutt make up that happy Church (late, and fettle that amiable peace, and (cave God in that concordant harmony as all of us defile, and fume expel. 417 `CHAP. XII. How to ufe Faith again(particular'fins ? TH E moil that I have to fay of this, is to be gathered fromwhat went before, about Sanification in thegene- ral. And becaufe I have been fo much longer than I intend- ed, you mutt bear with my neceffary brevity in the raft. Direr` . ß. When temptation fetteth al2ual fin before you, or inwardfinkeeps up within, look well on God and fin together. Let Faith lee Gods Holinefs and Juffice, and all that Wifdom, Goodnefl and Power, which fin defpifeth. And one fuch be- lieving fight ofGod, is enough to make you look at fin, as al the Devil himfelf; as the moll ugly thing. Dirce. 2. Set fin and the Law of God together ; and them it will"appear to be exceeding finful; and to be the crooked fruit ofthe tempting Serpent. You cannot know fin, but by the Law, Rom. 7. 14, &c. Dire& 3. Set fin before the Crofs of Cbrifl: Let Faith fprinklc his blood upon it, and it will die and wither. See it sill as that which killed your Lord ; and that which pierced G g g his