Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

418 The Life of Faith. his fide, and hanged him up in loch contempt; and put the gall and vinegar to his mouth. Diredf. 4. Forget not the farrows and fears.ofyour converfion (ifyou are indeed converted :) Or (if not) at lea the forrows and fears whichyou muff feel ifeveryou be converted. 'God doth purpofcly call us intogrief and terrours, for our former fins, that it may make us the more careful to fin nomore,/left work befall us : 1f the pangs of the newbirth were (harp and grievous to you, why will you again renew the caufe, and drink of thofe bitter waters ? Remember what a mad and fad condition you were in while you lived according to the flab, and howplainly you law it when your eyes were opened ? And wouldyou .be in the fame condition again? Would you beunfanditied, and unjufified, and unpardoned, and unfäved ? Every wilful fin is a turning backward,toward the fate ofyour former captivity and mifery. Dire. 5. When Satan jets the bait before you, let Faith al- waiesfit Heaven and Hell beforeyou, andtake all together, the end with the beginning. And think when you are tempted to lye, to (teal, to deceive, to lu(t, to pride, to gulofity or drunken- nefs, &c. what men are now fuffering for thefe fame fins ? and what all that are in Hell and in Heaven do thinkof them? Sup- pofe a man-offered you a cup ofwine, and a friend telleth you, .1 law him put poifon into it, and t berefore take heed what youdo.] iftheofferer were an enemy, you would hardly take it. The world, and the fl.fh, and the devil, are enemies:. when they offer you the delights of fin, hear Faith, and it will tell you, there is poifon in it ; there is fin, and,hell, and Gods difplca- fure in it. DireQ'. 6. Let Faith keepyou under the continual apprehen- ,fions of the Divine Authority and Rule ; ,that as a child, a fer- vant, a fcholar, a fubjet, doth 1h11 know that he is not ma fterlefs, but one that muff be ruled by the will or Law of his fuperiour ; fo may you alwaitts live wi h the yoA of Chrif upon your necks,and his bridle in your mouths : Kemcmbriríg alto' that you are (tí11 inyour Maters eye. Dire6f. 7. Remember _till. that it'-is the wotkofFaith to over- come thor world, and thefleth, and to aver -ruleyour j.nfe and ap- Mite $ .aud,to snake, nothtttgo f all tbat word .ftand up again(f NI"