The Life ofFaith. 419 your heavenly intereff, and to crucifie it by the Crofs of Cbriff Gal.6. 14. & 5.24. Rom.8.r, 9, io, 13. Set Faiththercfore upon-its proper work,. and when you live by Faith, and walk after the Spirit, you will not live by fight, nor walk afterthe fleth, 2 Cor. 5.7. Dire. 3. It is alfo the work ofFaith to takeoff all themasks offin, andopen its nakednefs, and fbame, andcalf by all fhifts, pre- tences, andexcufes. When Satan faith, It is a little one, and the danger is not great, and it will fervc thy pleafure, profit, or preferment; Faith fhould fay, Doth not God forbid it ? There is no dallying with the fire ofGod : Be not deceived, man; Godwih not be mocked ! Wharfoever a man fowetb, that fbaf be al /o reap: Ifyou fow to thefiefh, of the flíJhyoufbal reap corruption, Gal, 6. When Satan faith, re Pali not die: and when the (inner with Adam hideth himfelf,Faithwill call him Out to Judgment,and fay, What hail thou done? Haft thoueaten of the fruit which Godforbade? Dire. 9. Let Faith ftill keep you buffed in your Mailers work; Nothingbrcedethand feedeth fin fo much as idlenefs of mind and life: Sins of omiflìon have this double mifchief, that they arc the fìrfl part of Satans game themfelvcs,and they . anbring in fins ofcommillion. When menarenot taken up with good, they arc at leifurc for temptations to intice them and they tit open their doors to the tempter, and tell him he may (peak with then when he will. Wanton thoughts, and covetous thoughts, maydwell there when better thoughts are abfent. But when you arc fo wholly taken up with your du. ty (fpiritual or corporal) and fo conflantly and induflrioufly búfie in your proper work, fin cannot enter, norSatan find you at Icifure for his fervice. Direct. r o. Let Faith make Godsfervice pleafant toyou, and tore not your delight in God and godlinefs, and t hen you will not rd'Ifo finful pleafures. Yeu will find no need of fuch bate de- lights, when you live on the foretafl of Angelical pleafures. You will not be eafilydrawn to 'teal amorfel of dung or poi - fori from the Devils table, while you daily featl your fouls on Ghrifl : or to (teal the Onions of Egypt, when you dwell in a Lind that floweth with milk and hony. But while you-keep your hives in the wildernefs, you will be tempted to look G g g s bait