Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

424 The Life of Faith. fAw of the weaker fort, that are not carrycd down that fir-earn. The - Manlier cafe, and the Rebellion in which Mun(fer perithed in Germany, and many other; but efpeeially abundance of Schifrns from the Apotiles dales till now, are too great evi- dences of mens fociablenefs in finning. We aD like Peep have gone aftray, and turned every ene to hie own way, Ifa. 53 6. And like Jheep in this, that if one that is leading, get over the hedge, all the reti will follow after; but efpeeially ifthegreater part be gone. And donot think that our Churches arc in- fallible, and that the greater part of the godly cannot erre, or be in the wrong : For that would be but todo as the Papitts, when we have finnedbyfallibility, to keep offrepentance by the conceit of infallibility. 9. We are in great danger of finning, in cafes where we are ignorant : For who can avoid the danger which he teeth not ? And who can walk fairly in thedark ? Therefore we fee that it is the ignor outer fort ofChriflians, andfuch as Paul callcth Novices, that molt cere ; cfpecially when Pride accompanycth Ignorance, for then they fall into the fpecipl condemnation of the Devil, i Tim. 3.6. Study therefore painfully and pa- tiently till you underhand the truth. io. But above all, we are in danger of thofc fins which are masked with apretence 'of thegreatly' truths andduties, andufe tobe fathered an God and Scripture; and fo under the [tedious titlesof Holinefs andofFree Grace. For here it is theunderpaad- ing chiefly that refifteth, while the very names and pretences fecrctly flea! in, andbring them into love and reverence with theWill. And the poor honefi Chriftian is afraid ofrefiíting them, left it thould prove a refining God. What can be fo fare that a man will not plead for, ifhe tike it to be a necef- fary truth of God ? And what can be fo bad that a than will not do, ifhe take it once to be of Godscornierndirg ? The .forefaid inflames of the Mulder and Germane adieus, with chofe ofthe followers ofDavid George inH !land (who took himfelfto be the Holy Ghoft, or the immediate Prophet of his Kingdom) and Hacket and his Grundletonians ; and the Familifts, the Ranters, the Seekers, the Qtakers, the Church- dividers, and the Kingdom and State-overturncrs in England, Lave given fo great a dctatonftration of this, that it is not lawful