Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 425 lawful to overlook it or forget it. The time cometh, that they that killyou, fhall think that they do God fervice, Joh. r& 2. And then who can exped that their confciences thould avoid it ? Whydid Paul perfecute the Chri{tians, and compel them to blafpheme? Becaufe he verily thought that he ought to do many things againft the Name of jails, Alls 26. g. O it is religious fins which weare in danger of ! fuch as come to us as in the Nameof God, and Chrilt, and the Spirit : filch as pretend that we cannot be faved without them : and fuch as plead the holy Scriptures : filches amen 3. is written againd, when awifdom from beneath, which is earthly, fenfual and de- vilifh, working by envy and ftrife, unto eonfufon and every evil work, pretendeth to be the wifdom from above : when Zeal confumeth Love and Vnity, under pretenceof con/uming fin : which made Paul and John requireus not to believe every j irit,but to try the jpirits whether they be of God, a Thf. 2.2; act Thef 5.20, 21. 1 Joh. q.. 1, 2, 3. And made Paul fay, If anAngel from Heaven bringyou another Gofpel, let hint be aecur- fed, Gal. 1. y, 8. And more plainly, 2 Cor. 11.13, 1 ¢. Si b arefalfe Apoiiles; deceitfulworkers ; transforming themfelves in- to the Apoffles of Chriff: and no marvel, for Satan himfelf is transformed into an Angel oflight : therefore it is no great thing ifhie Moniffers alp be transformed as theMisers ofrigbteoujnefl, whofe end'hap be according to their works. And Ae7s 20.30. Alf; ofyour ownfelves ¡ball men arife, fpeaking perverfe things, to draw away Difciples after them. And what need any Difcipie ofChritt greater warning, than to remember that their Sa- viour himfelf was thus affaultcd by the Devil inhis temptation, with [It is written.] Yet let no Papiff hence take pccafon to vilifie the Scripture, becaufe it is made a plea for fin : For fo he might as well vilifie humaneKeafon, which is pleaded for all the errours in the world ; and vilifie the Law, becaufe Lawyers plead it for ill Caufes; yea and vilifie God himfelf, becaufe the fame and -other linnets plead his will and authority for their fins : when contrarily,it is a greatproofof the ScriptureAuthority and Ho- nour, that Satan himfelf, and his fubtileft intiruments,doplace their greatefi hope ofprevailing, by pervertingand mifapply- lng it ; which could be duoufc to them, ifits authority wars not acknowledged, Hhit 11a We