426 The Lije of Faith. I r. We are in contiant danger of thofc fins which we think we can conceal frommen : Therefore fuppofe fti11 that all that you do mill be made known ; and do all as. in the open fiteets; It's- written (by two). in the life of holy Epbrem Syrac, that when a Harlot tempted him to uncleannefs,he delìrcd but that he might chute the place ; which the confenting to, he cho( the open market-p1ace,.among all.the people ; and when the told him,. that there they fhould be fham_d, for all would fee ; he told her fach a leffon of tinning in the fight of God', who is every where, as was the means of her converfron. Conceit of fecrecy eenboldeneth to fin. Ia: We arc in cor.tiant danger of fins of fuddetspaffion and irruption,which allow us not fiafon to.dcliberate,and (urprize us before our reafon can confider.. 13. We are indanger of fins that come on by infenfible de.. grees, and from (mail beginnings creep upon us, and come not by any fudden wakening afïaults : Thus pride, and cove. taufnefr,and ambition, do inted men r And.thus our zeal and dcaligence for God, doth ufually-dtea,. r4. LaRly, We are in.much danger ofall fins which require a meant vigorousdiligence to refill them ; and of omitting thole duties, or that part or mode ofduty, which mull have a conffant vigorous diligence to perform it : Becaufefeeble fouls are hard- ly kept (as is aforefaid) to conftant vigorous diligence. Q.11eft. z. Wherein dferetb thefins ofa fanlaifird perfonfrotn other mens that are inefanilified. flnfrc -. J. In a fane ified man the habitual bent ofbis will, is ever more againfi fin, than for it ho wever he be tempted into that particular ate. 2. And as to the Ali alfo,.it is.ever contrary to the fcopc and tenour of his life.; which is for God and tincere obedience. 3. He hathno tin which is inconutient with the true Love ofGod, in the predominant habit : It never turneth his hear(: toanother End, or Happinefs, or Mader. 4, Therefore it is more afin of pafon, than of tiled in- tareff and choice. He is more liable to a haflypafon, or word, aar unruly,thoughts, than to any, prevalent osvetoufnefs or am- biess;