42 The Life of Faith. CHAP. Xlv. How to live by Faith in Profperiey. °r6i E workof Faith in refped} of Proferizy, is twofold $' j. 1. To five us from the danger of it. 2. To help os to a fandifed improvement of it. z. And for the f1rfl, that which Faith Both, is cfpecially, I. To fee deeper and further into the nature of all things in the world, than foie can do, Z Cor. 4. 17,18.1 Cor. 7. 29, 30, 3 r. To feethat they were never intended for our Reff or portion, but to be our wildernefs- proviflon in our way. To forefee just how the world will ufcus, and leave usat the laft, and- to have the very fame thoughts ofit now, as we forefee that we thall have when the end is come, and when we have had all that ever the world will do for us. It is the work ofFaith, to caufca man to judge of the world, and all its glory, as we (hall do when death and judgment come, and have taken off the mask of fplendid names, and (hews, and flatteries : that we may ufc the world'as if we ufed it not, and point's it as if' we pòtieft it not, bccaufc its fafhion cloth pats away. It is the work of Faith to crucifie the world to us, and us to the world by the Crofs ofChrill, Gal. 6. zq.. that we may look on it as difdainfully as the world looked upon Chrifi, when he hanged as forfaken on the Crofs. That,when it is dead, it may have, no p wer on us, and when we are dead to it, we may have no inordinate love, or care, or thoughts, or fears, or grief, or labour to lay out upon it. It is the work of Faith co make all worldly pomp and glory, tobe to us but lofs, and dr%, and dung, in comparifon ofChritt, and the righteoufnefs of Faith, Phil. 3. 7, 8, 9. And then no man will part with Heaven for dong, nor fct his God below his dung, nor further from his heart ; nor will he feel any great power in temptations to ho- nour, wealth or pleafure, if really he count them all but dung; nor will he woundhis confcience, or betray his peace, or caft away his innocency for them. 2. Faith fheweththeToul thofefure, and great, andgloriour ?hangs, which are infinitely more worthy of our love and labour..