432 The Life of Faith. you would knowwhether you live by fenfe or faith?' And mark what con rary anfwers the fl:Jbandfaith will give to it, when it comes to practice ? I fay, though many fin in poverty, and infafferirgs, and in di(grace, yea and byoccafron of them, and by their temptations, yet no man ever finned for them : They are none of the bait that fecaled away theart from God. Set deep upon yourheart, the fenfe ofthe danger of a profperous Elate, and fear and vigilancy will help to five you. Direct, 2. Imprint uponyour memory the cbaralers of this deadlyfin of warldlinefs, that fo.you may got perifh by it, whilif you dream thatyou are free from it ; but mayalwaiesfee bow far it dotbprevail. Here therefore to help you, I will (ce before you the charac`ers of this fin ; and I will but briefly name them, left I be tedious, becaufc they arc many. 1. Thegreat mark of damning woridlinefs is, when God and Heaven atçe not lovedand preferreetbefore the pleafures,and profits, and honours ofthe world. 2. Another is, when the world is ell-tented and ufed more for the fetvice and pleafure of the flefh, than to honour God, and todo good with, and to further our falvation : When men delire great places, and riches, more to pleaft their appe- tites and carnal minds with, than to benefit oth rs, or to ferve the Lord with ; when they are not rich to God, but to them- ¡elves, Luke 12. 20, 21. 3. It is a mark of form degree ofworldlinefs t dcfre a greater rneafure of riches or honour , than our t?irt'rei ,vork, and ends, and benefit de require : For when wC, area..-vinced that left is as good or better tour higheff e-rz, and yet we would have nacre ;it is a fign that the retl i dciired for the flefb, Rom. 3. 14.& 8.8, 9,10,13. 4. When our deliires otter worldly things are too eager and violent: when we muff needs have them, and cannot he with- out them, r Tim.6. 9. y. Whenour contrivances for the world are too foi icitous; andour cares for it take up an undue proportion of our time, Mar. 6. 24, 5. to theend. 6. When we are impatient under want,'difhonour, or dif- appointments., and live in trouble and difcontent, if we want rnucb,or havenot ur wills. 7.When