The Life of Faith. 7. When the thoughts ofthe world are proportionably fo many more than our thoughts of Heaven, and our falvation, that theykeep us in the negleé} of the duty of Meditation,and keep empty our minds of holy things, Mat. 6. ar. 8. When it turnethour talkall towards the world, or takcth up our frceft, and our fweetell and moli ferions words, and leaveth us to the ufe offeldom, dull, or formal, or affcecd words,abont the things which fhould profit the foul, and glo- rifie our great Creator. 9. When the world incroacheth upon Gods part in our fa- milies, and thrufis out prayer,or the reading of the Scriptures, or the due inftrueion of children or fervants : when it cometh inupon the Lords day ; when it is intruding in Gods Worfhip, and at Sermon or Prayer our thoughts are more pleafmgly running out after tome worldly thing, than kept in attendance upon God, Eoek 33. 31. to. When worldly profperity is fo tweet to you, that it can keep you quiet under the guilt of wilful fin, and in the midft ofall the dangers ofyour fouls. Bccaufe you have your hearts dcfrrc a while, you can forget eternity, or bear thofe thoughts of it with fecurity, which otherwife would amaze your foals, Luke 12. 19, 20. I r. When thepeaceandpleafore which you daily live upon, is fctcht more from the world, than fromGod and Heaven; fo that ifat any time you ask your felves the true rcafon ofyour peace, and whence it is that you rife and lie down in quictnefs ofmind, your confciences mutt tell you,it is not fo much from yourbeliefof the Love of God inChrift, nor from your hope to live in Heaven for ever, as bccaufc you feel your fclfwell in . body, and live at cafe and profperity in the world : And when any mirth or joy poffeffeth you, you may eafily feel, that it is more from fomething which is grateful to your ffefh,than front the beliefof everlafting glory. 12. When you think too highly and pleafingly of the con- dition of the rich, and too meanly of the (fate ofpoor. Believers: when youmake too great a difference between the rich and . thepoor, and fay to the man with the gold Ring, and the gay Apparel, Come up hither, and to the .poor,. Sit there at my footftool, James4 & 5. When youhad rather be"made like Iii the 433