43 The Lifè of Faiih. muff tell you, the world and all Gods creatures in it, arc too good to be facrificed to the flefh, and to the D.vil ; and not goodenough to be loved and preferredbefore God, and your in- nocency and falvation. Thebody mull be cherifhed, but yet the flab mull be fub- dued; and ifyou live after it, you (hall die. Health and alacri- ty mutt be preiervcd, becaufe they make you fit for duty ; but wantonappetites mutt be refrained, and no provifion mutt be made for the flefh, to fatisfic its lulls (or wills) Rom. 13. 14. It muff becherifhed as your horfe or fervent for his work; but it muff not bepampered, and-made unruly, or your Mailer. You may leek food for your neceffity and ufe ; and ask of God your daily bread (Mattb.6. Pfal. x4.5.) but you may not with the Ifraelites, arkmeat foryour lute, as being weary of eating Manna fo long, Pfal. 7$. Hurting your health by ufelefi au- ffcrities, is not pleating untoGod : But fenfual,ty and flelh.- pleating, and loveof the world, is nevcrthetels abominable in his fight. Obje(f. 2. Neeeffitymakes me mind the world : I have chil- dren to maintain, and am in debt, andcannot pay every one his own. .4nnfw. Whetheryou have ncccffìry or not, you ought to la- bourfaithfully in your callings,But no necefity will excufe your worldly love and cares : What will the love of the world do towards the lupply of your neccgì,ies ? òr what will your ea- ger dcfires, and your cares do, more than the labours and quiet forecaff of one that bath a contented patient'mind ? Surely in reafon, the lefs youhave in the world, and the harder your condition is, the lefi you fhould love it, and the more you fhould abound in care and diligence, to make Cure of a better world hereafter. Objell. 3, I covet no mans but myown. Anfw. a. Why then are you foglad ofgood bargains, or of gifts ? 2. But what ifyou do not ? You covet to have more tobe your own, thanGod allorteth you ? Perhaps you have . already as much as your flefh knoweth what to dowith ; and therefore need not covet more. But will this excufe you for loving your riches more" than God? The queflion is not now, what you covet, but what you love. of the world bath your hearts,