The Life of Faith. hearts, the Devil hath your lives; for it is-by the worldthat he deceiveth fouls: And do you think then thatyou are fit to dwell with God ? Knowye n)t that the love of the world, is en- mity to God ? And that ifye will befriends of the world, you are Gods enemies ? lames 4. 4. Objet. 4. It is not by any unlawful means that I defire to grew rich : I wait on God in my lawful labour, and cravebit ble/ng. Anfev. It is not now your getting,but your loving the world that I am fpeaking of : If your hearts be more fet on your riches or profperity, thanon God, and the world by loving it be made your Idol, youdo but turnprayer and labour into tin, (though they be good in themfelves; while you abufe them to your ungodly worldly ends. What wretchedmuck-worm wouldnotpray, if he believed that praying would make him rich ? I warrant you then their tune would be turned. They would not cry out, what necd- eth all this praying ? If God would give them money for the asking, they would quickly learn to praywithout Book, and long prayers would come into requefi, upon the Pharifces old account. Canany thing in the world b: more unlawful and abominable, than to love the fiefh and the world, above God and Heaven?Aud yet do you fay that you get not your wealth by any thing that is unlawful ?, Obje6}. S. But I am contented with my condition, and de- fire no mere. Anfro. So is a Swine whenhis billy is full. But the queftion is, Whether Heaven and Holinefs, or that worldly conditions which you are in feemmore lovely to you. O. jcd. 6. Igive God thanks for all l have. AnJw. So would every beggar in the Country give God thanks if he would make them rich. Some drunkards and gluttons, and tome malicious people, do give God thanks for fatisfying their finful lulls. This is but addinghypocrifie to your lin,and to aggravate it by prophaning theName ofGod, by thanking him as a chr.e'ither ofyour lufts. But the queftion is, whether you lavoGod for himfelf, and as your fanl ifter bet- ter than you do the gratifying of your fiefh? Obi. 7. But Igive[omething to t rar, andI meant* leave them fometloingat mydeath. 437