The Lift of Faith. 44 r and mortal, as that which is molt loved. Becaufe theft do moll exclude the Love of God. Some other firs may do more hurt to othrs, but this is worn to the fanner himfclf. We jualy pitty poor Hc.theni(h Idolaters, and pray for their convcrfìon (and I would we did it more.) But do not you not think thatjour hypocrite-worldlings, do love their riches, and their honours and pleafuret, better than the poor Heathens love their Idols ? Theybow theknee to a creature, and you entertain it in your heart. 4. It is a fin ofdeliberation and contrivance, which is much worfc than afurprize by a fudden temptation. Youplot how you may compafs your voluptuous, covetous and ambitious ends : Therefore it is a fin that ftandeth at the furthcfi di- fiance fromRepentance, and is both voluntary, and a fettled hpSit. 5. It is a continued fin. Men be not alwaies lying, though they be never fo great lyars ; nor alwaies Healing, if they be themolt notorious thieves ; nor alwaies (wearing, if they be the profaneeR (wearers. But a worldly mind is alwaies worldly : He is almaier committing his Idolatry with the world, and alwaiesdenying his Love to God. 6. It is not only a fin about themeans to a tight end(as mif- chofen waies ofReligion may be) but it is a fin againf the End it fell, and a mifchufìng ofa falfe pernicious End. And Co it is the perverting, not only of one particular action, but even of the bent andcourt of mens liver : And confequently a miffpendingall their time. 7. It is a perverting of Godscreatures, to a life clean con- trary to that which they arc given us for ; and an unthankful turning ofall his gifts again( hitrafelf. He gave us his creatures to lead us tohim, and by their bvelinefs to(hew bit greater lovelinefs, and to tafle in their fweetnefs, the greater fweetnefs ofhis love. And will you oft them to turn your of a ions from bins ? 8. It it agreat debafang of ,be foul it (elf,, to fill that noble Spirit with nothing but dirt and ftnoak, .which was made to know and love its God. 9. It is an irrationalvice, and fignificth not only much un- beliefof the unften things which thould take up the foul; but Kkk alto