442 The Life of Faith. ago a fottifh inconfideratencfs, of thevanity and brevity of the' things below. It is an. unmanning. our felves, and hiring out our rcafon to bea fcrvant to our ficthly lutis., to. L.atlly, It is apreptant multiplying fin ; whichbringeth forth abundance more: The love of money.is..tbe root ofall evil, a ,Tim. 6. 9, to,. Therefore Direct. 5. Let the rxifchievettrefiels of thie fib, be ftiC be- f re your eyes. As for intiance. a. It keepeth the heart firange to God and Heaven. The Love ofGod and of the world arc contrary, a John 2. 15. & 3. 17 james 4.4.. So is an earthly and a heavenly converfation, Phil. 19, 2o. And the laying up a treafure in Heaven and upon Earth, Matth. 6. 19, 20, 21. And the hying after the Belli, and after the Spirit, Rom. 8. r, 5 6, 13. Ye cannot pof- fibly fcrvc God andMammon;nor travel twocontrary waits at once ;nor have two contrary felicities,till you have two hearts. 2. It fetteth you.at enmity with God and holinefs ; becaufc God controlleth and condcmneth your beloved lulls : and be- caufc it is contrary to the carnal things which have your hearts: 3. By, this means it makcth men malignant enemies ofthe godly, and perfecutors of them ; becaufe they are of contrary mindsand wales. As then, he that was born after the fiefh, perfecuted him that was born after theSpirit, even fo it it nosy, Gal. 4.29. The world cannot love us, becaufe we are not of the world, John 15. 19, 20. Pride, coyetoufnefs and fenfualiry, arcthe matter which the burning Raver lodgeth ia, which bath confumed fo much of the Church of Chrifi. It is the fin that bath corrupted the facred Office of the Mni/iry throughout moll of the Chriflian Churches in the world : And thetcby caufed both the- Schifors,and Cruelties, and the decay offcrious godlinefs among them, which is their prefent deplorable cafc. Ignorant perlons arc like liickmen in. a Raver ; They lay the blame bn this and that, and common- ly on that which went next before the paroxifm ; and know not the true,caufe of the .chi-cafe : We are all troubled (or thould be) to fee the many minds, the many waits, the coda, feel Hate of the Chriflian Churches, and to hear them coy out againa each otFar, And one layeth the blame on this party ex gpwion, and another on that But when we come to our ftives