Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 445 t6. Laftly, It greatly unfitteth men to die ; and maketh them loth to leave the world : And no wonder when there is no entertainment for worldlings, in any better place here- after. Dire. 6. Ifyou would be Paved from the world, and the `Mares of preff,erity, forefee death, and judge of the world as it will appear andufe you at the 14. Dream not of long life : He that lo,)ks to flay but a little while in the world, will be the lefs careful of his provilìons in it. A little will ferve for a little tame. The grave is a iufñcient difgrace to all the vanities on earth, though there muff be more to raife the heart to. Heaven. Direct. 7. Mortifte thefiefh,andyou overcome the rn.rld.Cure the thinly dífcafe, and you will need nóne of the worldling; wales to farisfic it. When the fleth is maílercd, there it no ufe for plenty, or pleafures, or honours, to fatisfie its lutis : Your daily bread to fit you for your work, will then luffice. Diretf. B. But it is the lively belief ofendlefs Glory, and the Love of Godprevailing in tba foul, that muff work, the cure, No- thing below a Life of Faith, and a heavenly mind and conver- fation, and the Love of God, will ever well cure a fenfual life, and an earthly mind and convcrfation, and the love of the. world. Direuf. 9. Turn away from the bait : defire not to haveyour e(fate,your dwelling, 6-c. toopleafing toyour firth andfancy. Re- member that it killeth byVeiling, rather than by. Teeming un- lovely and dif¡ileafing.. Dire4. a o. Turn Satans temptations to worldlinefs againfi- bimfelf. When he tempteth you to covetoufncfs, give more to the poor than elkyou would have done. When he tempteth you to prideand ambition, let your convcrfation thew more averfation to pride than you did before. If he tempt you to wale your time in dahly vanities, or (ports, work harder in your calling, and (Pend more time in better things ; and thus- try to weary out the tempter. Dire& rt. Take bead of the Hypocrites deftgns, which is to unite Religion and worldlinefs, and to reconcile God and Mammon; and to fccure the ficih and its profperity here, .and..jret to Cave the foul hereafter. For all fuch hopes arc meet deceits. K.k k 3.