The Life ofFaith. 447 and honours occafim in the world. And though the Apotile tell us, r Tim. 6. t o. that the loue of ?no :ey is the ra.;t of all evil, I will confine my difcourfe to that narrower compafs, in the enumeration of the Iins'of Sodana,in Ez k 16.49. PRIDE, FVLI'TESS of bread, IDLENESS: And of thefbut brief- ly, becaufe I have fpoken more largelyof them clicwhere (in my Chrifiian Dircdory.) And fitti of the Pride of the rich and profperous. PRIDE is a fin of fo deep radication, and fo powerful in the hearts ofcarnal men, that it will take advantage of any condition, but Riches andProfperity are its moti notable advan- tage. As the boat, rifeth with the water ; fo do fuch hearts rife with their dimes. Therefore faith the Apoftle, a Tim. 6. 17. Charge the rich that they be not high minded. High- snindednefs is the fin that you arc fitti here to avoid. In order whereunto I (hall give you nowbut thcfe three general Di- tedious. Direld. T. Obferve the masks or covers of High- mindednefd or Pride, left it reign inyou unknown. For it hath many covers, by which it is concealed from the fouls that are infcëted, ifnot undone and miferable by it. For inftance : a. Some think that they arc not Proud, be- eaufe that their parts andworth will bear out all the eftimation which they have of themfelves. And he that thinketh of him- fclfbut as he. really is, being in the right, isnot, tobe accounted proud. But remember that the fitti aft of Pride is theovervaluing of our felves-: And he that is once guilty of this f tti ad, will juftific hittrfdf both in ir, and all that follow. SJ that. Pride is a.fin.which blindeth the undcrfianding, and dcfendcth. it fell by it fell, and powerfully keepeth off repentance. When once a man hath entertained a conceit, that he is .wijer or better than indeed he is, he then thinketh that all his thoughts, and words, and actions, which are of that flgni &cation, are jut, and fober, becaufe the thing is indeed. And for aman to deny Gods graces, or gifts, andmake himfelf Teem worfe than he is, is not true hum.lity, but diffiaralation or ingrati- tude. But herein youhave great eaufe to be very careful, isti you flout