Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. 449 aggravate the crime : As if the honour of God and our Reh- gton mutt be upheld, by fodevitith a means as proud Hypo- critic. ;. And, though it be true, that a man is not imprudently without jut} caufe, to open his fins before the world, when it is like to tend to the injury of Religion, and any way to da morehurt than good : yet it is as true, that when there is no fuch impediment, true repentance is forward to confefs, and when the fault is dircovered, defending and extenuating it, is then the grcatetl dithonour to Religion. (As ifyou would fa- ther all on Chritl, and make men believe that he will jufiitie or extenuate fin as you do.) And then it is a free Cif-abating confction, and taking all the theme to your felves (with fu- ture reformation) which is the reparation which you mull make of the hor,ourof Religion. For what greater dithonour can be call upon Religion, than to make it teem a friend to tin ? Or what greater honour can be given it, than to repre- lent it as it is, as an enemy to all evil; and to take the blamee as isdue, unto your felves ? 3. Another cloak for Pride, is the Reputation ofour offices, dignities andplaces. We mutt live according our rank k and quality : All men mull not live alike. The grandeur muffbe maintained, or elfe the Magitiracy will fall into con- tempt. The Pattors Office mull not by a mean dilate, and low deportment, be expofed to the peoples fcorn. And fo abundance of the moll ambitious pradices, and hateful enor- mities of the proud, mutt be valed by theft fair pretences. r 4nfiv, r, Wegrant you that the honour of !VIagißrates mutt be kept up by a convenient grandeur; and that a competent dif?ance is neceffary to a due reverence But Goodnefeis as ne- ceffary an' ingredient in Government, as Greasnefs is ? and to begreat in Wifdom andGoednefs, is the principal Greatnefi: And Goodnefs is Loving, and humble, and condefcending, and tuiteth all deportmsnts to the common good, which is the end of Government. See then that you keep up no other height,. but that which really tendeth to the jiwccefs of your endea yours, inorder to the common good. 2. And look alto to your hearts, left it beyour oten exalta- lien which you !indeed intend, while you thus pretend the honour