4SQ ----- The Life of Faith. honour of your office : For this is an ordinary trick of pride. To difcover this, will you ask your fclves theft Q e,lions following ? Quell. I. How you came into your offices. and honours ? did they tick you, or did you feek them ? did- the place need you, or did you need the place ? Ifpride brought you in, you have caufe to fear, left it govern you when you are there ? Quell. 2. What doyen in the place ofhonour that you are in ? Do you tludy to do all the good you can, and- to make m:n happy by your Government ? -- and- is this the labour of your lives ? if it be, we may hope that the means is fuited to this end. But if you do no fuch thing, you have no fuch end : And ifyou have no fucb end, you dobut dilThmble, in pretend- ing that your grandeur is utcd but as- a means .to that end which really you never feek. It is then your own exaltation that you ai m at, and it is your pride that playeth all your game. Cleft. 3.. Are you more offended -and grieved when you are crofl and hindered in dcirgg-od, or whenyou ate croft and hindered from your perfonal honour ? ucff. 4. Are you well contented that another tbould have your honour and preferment, if God and the Sovera"ign Power fo difpofc of fo be it, it be one that is like to do more good thanyou ? By theft Q_e`lions you may quickly Ice ifyou are willing, whether your grandeur be desired by your pride for falf-ad- vancemcnt, or by Chriftian prudence to do.g, -od. 3. And I mutt tell you, that there is abundance of duff: fence betwixt the cafe of the Civil Magi/frates, and the Pallas of the Church in this. Magifiracy mutt have more fear and pomp : But Patlors mull govern by Light and Love: When his Apofiles flrove for fuperiority, Chrift left a decifion of the controverfie for the ose ofall following ages. It is the contempt of the world, and the mortifying of the fefh, and felf- denyal, that Paflors have to teach the people, andwithall to feek a hea- venly treasure : And will not their own example further the îucccfs oftheir Doé}rine ? The reverence that a ,Pallor mutt rxpcd, is not to befeared as one that can do Burt (For all eoer- oion or corporal forctis proper to the Magi/irate :) but it is-to be