The Life of Faith. be thought one that is above all the riches and pleafures of the world, andhath let his heart on higher things : Such a one therefore he muti both be and feet,. A Pallor will be but the loaner defpifcd, if he look after that riches and worldly pomp, which is fccmly for a Magittrate: If he have a fword in his hand, Vs the way to be hated : If he have teeth that are bloody, or clams that can tear, he will be accounted a wolf, thoughhe have the cloathing ofa thcep. When our Divines give the reafon ofChritis humiliation, they fay, that if hehad preached up heavenly-mindednefs, fcildenyal, and mortifica- tion, and had h;mfelf lived in pomp and &Incit, the people would not have regarded his words : And furcly the fame rea- fonholdeth in Come mcafure as to all his Minallers. Again, I fay, that íf ever the Church be univerfally reformed, the Pa- floral office muti be only encouraged wich neceffaryfupport, to keep the Pallors how defpondency, and daßralling cares ; but it mutt not be made a bait ofambition, csvetoufnefs or f hob ; but muff beflript of that whichmakes it thus deferable to a carnal mind. Otherwife we mutt exper , that except when Princes arc very holy, the Churches be ordinarily guided by carnal and ungodly men; who will do it according to their minis and intereft. All the world cannot anfwcr the reafon ofthis: which is, Honours and wealth will be certainly f ught with gresteff induftry by the worldly, that is, the worff of men ::rndnot by the heavenly mortified perfons: And they that leek ¡hall ufu- ally find : And Co while the humble, holy perfon flayeth till he is called, and the proud and worldly, who have the appetite, ufe all their art and friends to rife, the conclufion is as lure as fad, and hath been fo proved by woful experience almoll r 300 years. 4. Another of Prides pretences is Decency, and the avoid- ing ofreproach and fcorn : If we live not as high as others, we (ball be derided or contemned; or thought to be fordid, beggarly or bait. Anise. a. This is one of the figns and e¡feds ofPride, that it maketh a greater matter ofother mens thoughts, than you ought to make : It cannot bear contempt andço n fo ca- lily as Humility can do: Too careful avoidingof contempt, is the proper workof Pride. A. It is granted that you (houlel L I 1 z not 45= See Dr. Stillen J(: er of Sausfa- âion ou this (,ohne