Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

4211.1 452 The Life of Faith. not be contemptuous of your juil reputation ; and alto that you mull not by any cauflefs afl'eted fingularity, or by any prat`ice which is indeed uncomely, makeyour (elves the (corn of others. But it is as true that you mutt not delire a higher eflimation than is really your due ; nor yet be-aver folieitrus for that which is your due indeed; nor muff" you follow the proud in any thing which is contrary to true humility, for the Ace ping of their good report, nor go above your rank to avoid contempt. 3. And forget not whole good word it is that you thouldefpecially regard : Your truefl honour is in the etieem ofGod, and all goodmen, and not in the opinion or praifcs of the proud. They that are addicted to this vice themfelves, perhaps may deride thofe that go below them (and yet they will moreenvy thole that go above them :) But the bumble will think much better ofyou for being bumble, and nothing canmake you viler in their eyes than Pride,If you were humble your felves, you would prefer your honour withhumble,wife and lober perlons, above the opinions of the proud, who know not good from evil. 5.Another cloak ofPride is opütionative and dollrinal Humi- lity:When7we have heard and read muchagainfl Pridc,and can fpeak(or preach)againfl it,as freely,and fluently,and vehement- ly, and movingly,as anyothers; and in all company and confe- rencelignifieour diflike ofit; when we are much in difTwad- ing others from it, and in extolling humility, and lowlinefs of mind ; thisdoth not only deceive others, but very often the fpeaker himfelf; and makes him think that he hath no great degree of Pride. But fpecutation, and opinion, and tálí{ , arc one thing, and a renewed truly bumble foul is another thing. Ifall this while you areasgreat, and wife, and good in your own eficem, andmake asgreat a matter of mens opinionof you, as others do that (peak lefsagainfl Pride, your fpcechcs and prcachings ferns but to condemnyour fclves. It is as ealie to talk againtl cove- toufncfs, gluttony, and other fins, while(# he that condemneth them, continucth in them, ánd condemneth himfelf. Talking againfl an enemy, obtaineth no vilitory ; and talking againft fin, may lignifte what you have learned to fey, orperhaps what alike you have to that tin at a Oita; or in fpecie, or in !moiler;