Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. fools, and ungodly, worldly, fell- fceking men, and as the de- of the people, and as void of the Spirit ; which could never proceed to the height that we have teen it, and which their wordsand writings utter at this day, without a very Jlrazrge degreeof Pride, and Cuch as either mak,th men mad, or is mode by mae!riefs, or little lets. And herc'note alto, that it is no wonder if Rcligius Pride can defpife the common applaofe of the world, and bear a great deal ofignominy from the vulgar; bccáufethey have learnt Co much as to know that ..wicked men are fools, and bate, and their judgment is nogreat honour or d(honour to any man; and that godly men only arc truly wife, and their judgment moil to be regarded. And therefore it is wtb them w'_om they think highlie(1 of themfelves, that they dcfire to be thought highhcti of; and it is among the Religious fort, that Religious Pride doth tì(h for honour : even as men that are proud of their Learning, dohunt after the applaufe oflearned men, and can defpife the judgment of the unlearned vugar, as quite below them. I know that this lati infiance Of-Pride, is not alwaics an at- tendant of Profperity : But oft it is, a kind of wantonnefs thence arifing, which is much refirained.. in Mitering times : And being' fpeaking of the re(ì, I thought not mear to pats it by. Dirc& II Vnderj{and which are the ordinary effeV.s and char alters of Pride, that you may not live in it, and perifh by it, wbilft you thought you had overcome it. At this time (having faid more of it elfewhcrc) I (hill recite but theft marks of profperous Pride, and (hew the contrary figns of low- linefs. z. The high mindedare felf wired, anl much addilledtorule and domineer. They would have their own wills, in all theft own matters, and are hardly b ought to fubmit to the judg- ment and will ofothers. Obeying goeth quite againft their grain, any further than they like the commands of their: fu- periours : And if they arc in any hope of reaching it, they afpíre to be the Governours of others, that they tnryflill (land uppermoft,.. 455