4 T e Life ofFaith. uppermotl,:,and have their will in all the matters about them, as well as in their own. 'If there be a place ofPower and Pre- ferment void, theproud man is the forwardef expellant ; and maketh nogreat qucftionofhis fitncfs ; but thinkcth that he is injured ifhe be put by, how worthy a man foever be pre- ferred before him : He Cnuffs and fcornsat inferiours that flick at his molt finful and unreafonable commands; and thunders out the charge ofRebellion or Schifm againi thole that que- ftion his infallibility, or that will flick at obeying him before God, and againft him ; as if he had been born to rule, and other men to obey him ; and all do himwrong, whofall not down and worfhip not his will,at the firft intimation: Though perhaps he bebut a Minifter ofChrift, who fhould be as a little child, and the fervent of all, and thould (loop to the feet of the poorefl of the flock, and thould receive the weak, and bear with their infirmities; yet Pride will there lift up the head, and forget ali the humbling examples and admonitions of Chrift, and will either leek to drawDifeiples after it, by fpealt ing perverfe things, Ads zo. 3o. or forget r Pet. 5. 3. Neither Aa being Lords over Gods heritage, but examples to thefl)ck But on the contrary, the poor in fpirit are readier to obey than rule, as knowing that reeling requireth the greater parts and graces; and are enclined to think others to be fitter for places of Teaching or Authority than themfelves (further than clear experience conftraineth them to know the contrary : ) For in honour they prefer others, inficadof ftriving to be preferred be- fore others : They have a tradable, humble, yielding dílpofi- tion, except when they are tempted to fin. They arc gentle, and eahe to be entreated, lames 3. 17. and can fubmit them- felves to one another ; yea and be their voluntary fubje6s, I Per. $. 5. Ephef. 5. z:. (Yet not becoming unneceffarily the fer- vauts ofmen; but cbufing it rather when they may be free.) They arc as little children, in that they expeé} not rule, but to be ruled, Mattis. :8 3. They have learned toferve one another in love, Gal. 5. i 3. and take it not for Chrillian love, that can dogood only upon terms ofcquality, and cannot foop to vo- luntary fervice. They can go two m lc with him, that com- pelleth them to go one : No min more obedient when you commandnot fin. For u he affedcth not to be called MaJfer, or