Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

28 The Life of Faith. is hud ; he teeth you in the dark : the locking of your doors, the drawing of your curtains , the letting of the Sun, or the putting out of the Candle, doth hide nothing from him that is Omnifcient, Pfal. 94. 8, g. [Vnderffandobyebrutifb among the people ! andyefools, when will ye be wife ? He that planted the ear, fha!1 be not bear? he thatformed the eye, fhall be notfee ?] The lull and filthinefs, and covetoufnef, and envy, and vanity of your very thoughts are as open to his view as the Sun at noon. And therefore you may well Pup= pole him prefent that cannot be abfent ; and you may fuppofe ypu law him that Gill teeth you, and whom you muff fee..Oh what a change, a glympfe of the glory cf his Majeffy, would make in this Affembly ! Oh what amazements, what pafGo- nate workings offoul would it excite ! Were it but an Angel that did thus appear to you, what manner 01-hearers ould you be ? how ferious ? how affectionate ? how fentible ?.And yet are you Believers, and havenone of this ?- when faith makes, . snfecn things to be as fern? If thou havefaith indecd,thou feed him that is invifible : thou fpeakcft to him :: thou hearell hits in his Word : thou feat him in his Works: thouwalkeft with him : he is the life ofthy comforts; thy converte and thy life. 2. Suppofe you had Peen the matters revealed in the Gofpel toyour faith, as to what is pall and done already ? If you had teen the deluge and the Ark, and prefervation of one righteous family : the burning of $odour and Gomorrah with fire from Heaven; and the Paving ofLot whole righteous, fiul wasgrieved at their fins, and hunted after asa prey to their ungodly rage, becaufe he would have hindered them from tranfgrelfing? Suppofe you hadfeels the opening of the Red Sea, the paffage . of the Ifraelites,thedrowning ofPharaoh and his.gyptians;the Manna and the Q?ails that fell from Heaven, the flaming Mount, with the terrible Thunder, when God delivered the Law to Mofes ! what manner ofpeople would you havebeen ? what lives would you have led, after filch fights, as all or any one of theft ? Suppofe youhadfeels Chrift in his Elate ofIncar- nation, in his examples of:lowlinefs,. meekncfi, contempt of all theglory and vanities of this world, and had heard him fpeak his heavenly Doctrine with power and authority, as styes man fpake. Suppofe you had lienhim "heal the blind, the