Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The.. Life of aith;. 4. Ask your felves what you would be found doing ifdeath now furprize you? and whether work or idlenefs will be belt in the review ? 5. Try a laborious lifc of well-doing a while, and the ex- periencewill draw you on. 6. Try your (elves by a (landing refolution,and engageyour felves in neceffary buftnefs, and that in a fet and hated courfe that neceflìty and refolutiun may keep you from an idle life. 7. Forfake the company ofthe idle and voluptuous, and ac- company the laborious and d:hgent. 8. Study well how to do the greateft good you catì,that the worth ofthe work may draw you on. For they that arc of little ufe, for want of parts, or skill, or opportunity, are more liable tobe tempted into idlenefs, as thinking their work is to no purpofc : when the well- furnifhed perfon cloth long to be exercifing his wifdom andvertue in profitable well doing. CHAP. XVIII. How by Fait b to overcome unttterciftelncfs to theneedy. IV."rHE fourth fin ofSodom, and ofProfperity, mention 1 ed,Ezek. 16. 49 is, ?bey didnot tirengthen:be hand of the poor and needy. Againft which at the preterit I thrill give you but thefe brief Direâions. .Dire&. j. Love Godyour Creator and Redeemer, and then youwill love the poorett of your Brethren forhis fake. And love will cafily perfwade you to dothem good. Dire&. 2. Labour moil diligently to cure your inordinate (elf love, which rnaketh men care little for any but themfelves, and fuch as are ufeful to themfelves ; And when once you love your neighbours as your (elves, it will beas carte to per- fwadcyou to do good to them as to your (elves ; and more safe to difwade you from hurting them than your (elves (becaufe (enfuality tempteth you fironglier tohurt your (elver, than any thing doth tobin them.) Dire. 3. Overvaluenot the things of the world; and then yon will not make a great matter of parting with them, for anothers good. Qs; q 2 Dirc6t. 4. 49