Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

492 rk Lift of Faith. Discs. 4. Do as you mould be done by : And ask your [elves how you would be judged ofand ufed, if you were in their condition your (elves. Dire& 5. Set the life of Cbrift andbis Apofi`les-before you and remember what a delight it was to them to do good : And at how much dearer rate Chrift hhewed mercy to you and others, than he requireth you to (hew mercy at to any. Dirty. 6. Read over Cbriffs precepts of Charity andMercy, that a thing fo frequently urged on you, may not be fen(kfly defpifed by yuu. Dires. 7. Remember that Mercy is a d*ty applauded by all the world : As humane intereft requireth it fo humane na- ture approveth it in all. Good and bad, even all the world do love the merciful : Or if the psrtial intercfl of forceproud and covetous perfons (as the Popifh Clergy for inflance) do call for cruelty againfi thole that are not of their mind, and for their profit ; yet this goeth fo much againfi the (beamof the common intereti, and the light of humane nature, that man- kind will hill abhor their cruelty, though they may afright a few that are neer them from uttering their detcflation. All men fpcak well ofa merciful man, and ill of the unmerciful. Dirct`,f. 8. Believe Chrifts promifes which he bathmade to the merciful, fo fully and frequently in Scripture : As in Mat. 5. 7. Luke 6. 36. Prov. it. 17. Pfal. 37. 26, &c. And believe his threatnings againti the unmerciful, that they Jhall find no mercy,Prov. r2.1o. James 2. 13. And remember how Chrifi bath dcfcribed the lift Judgment, as palling upon this reckoning, Mastb. 25. Dires. g. Live not in fle(hly fenfualityyour felves: For elfe your fle(h will devour all; and ifyou have hundreds and thou- (ands a year, will leave you but little or nothing todo good with. Dires. i o. Eng ige your felves (not by rap vows, but by refolution andpraNce) in a hated way of doing good, and take notonly fuch occations as fall óut unexpesedly. Set a part a convenient proportion ofyour elates, as God doch biefs you ; and let not needl fs occafions divert it, and defraud the poor, and you of the benefit. Dires._ t r. Remember hill that nothing is abtblutely your own,