Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. 493_ own, but God who lendeth it you bath the true propricty,and will certainly call you to an account. And ask your (elves daily, How thall I with at the day of reckoning, that I had expended and ufed all my enact ? and do accordingly. DireEt. 12. Forget not what need you nand in daily of the mercy of God; and what need you will thortly be in, when your health and wealth will fail you. And how earneft- ly then you will cry to God for mercy, mercy, Prov. 2r. 13, iVbofo ftoppetb bit ears at the cry of the poor, be alp 'bed cry himfeif, but Pall not be beard. Dire. 13. Hearken not to an unbelieving heart, which will tell you that you may want your felves, and therefore would reftrain you from well doing. If God be to be trutted with your fouls, he is to be trufted withyour bodies. God trycth whether indeedyou take him for your God, by trying whether you can truft him. If you deal with him as with a bankerupt, or a deceitful man, whom you will trutl no further than you have a prefent pawn or fecurity, in cafe he fbould deceive you ; you blafpheme him, inflead of taking him for your God. Direft. 14. Let your greaten mercy be (hewed in the great- en things ; and let the good of mens fouls be your end even in your mercy to their bodies. And therefore do all in fuch a manner as tendeth mon to promote the highen end. Blt.(reà are the merciful, for they fball obtain mercy. CHAP. XIX. How to Jive by Faith in Adverfity, IF I mould give you diningDiretaions, for the Jima! cafes I of poverty, wrongs,perfecutians, unkindnefes, contempt, ficknefs, &c. it would (well this Treatife yet bigger than g intended. I (halt therefore take up with this general Advice. Dire&. i. In all Adverfitq remember the evil of fin, which it the caufe,andtbe Holinefs and Juftice ofGod which is exsrcífed ; and then the hatred of fn, and the love of Gods Ho.'inefs and Ju. rice will make you quietly fubmit. You will then ay, when, Q--(.1 q q 3