Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

494 The Zi.fe Faitb, bRcpentance is ferious,' I will bear the indignation of the Lord, lecaufe I have finned againti him, Micah 7.9. And, why cloth avingman complain, a man for the punilhment ofhie fins i' Lam. 3. 39. Let us Parch and try our wales, and turn again unto the Lord ; for be bath (mitten, and be will heal, &c. v.40,41. Object: But lothnot lob's cafe tell us, thatfame of iiQions äre onlyfor tryat, and notfor fin l Anfw. No ; it only telleth us that the reafon why job is chofen out at that time, to fuller more than other men, is not be- caufe he was werfe than others, or as bad but for hie tryal and good. But a. Afllidion as it is now ,exifient in the world up- on mankind, is the fruit of Adams fin at firft, and contained in the peremptory unremitted fentence. a. And this general (late of fuffering mankind, is now in the hand and power of Chriti, who fornetimes indeed doth let out more on the brit than upon others, and that cfpecially for their tryal and good but ufually fome tins of their own alto have a hand in diem, and procure the evil, though his mercy turn it to their be- nefit. Dired. 2. Deal clofely and faithfully with your hearts and lives in a fuffering time, and reti not till your confcicnces arc well affured that no fpecial provocation is the caufe, or elfe do tctlific that you have truly repented, and refolved againft it. Otherwife youmay lengthen your difirefs, if you leave that thorn in your fore which caufcth it : Or elfe God may change It into a work ; or may give you over to itnpenitency, which is worfi ofall : Or at lull, you will want that affured peace withGod, and folid peace of confcience, which mutt be your fupport and comfort in affili&ion ; and fo will fink under it, as unable tobear it. Direct. 3. Remember that the fanl#i Eying fruit ofAdverfity firff and onore to be looked after, than either the comfort, or the deliverance. And therefore that all men, no nor all Chrillians, muti not ufe the fame method, in the fame afit&ion, when as their fpiritual cafes differ. A cleared confcience, and one that hath walked faithfully withGod, and fruitfully in the world, and kept himfclf from his iniquity, may bend moils of his thoughts to the comfort- ing