Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life ofFaith. 49 5 ing promifes, and happy end. But one man hath been bold with wilful fin, andhis work muff be firli, to renew repen- tance, and fee that there be no root of bitternefs left behind, and to fet upon true reformationoflife, and reparation of the hurt which he hath done. Another is grown into love with the world, and bath let out his heart topleafant thoughtsand hopes of profperity, and alienated his thoughts more than before from God. This man muff fir(i perceive his errour, andhear Gods voice which call- eth him home, and fee the characters of vanity and vexation, written on the face of that which he over loved; and then think of comfort when he bath got a cure. Another is grown dull and carelefs cf his foul, and bath loft muchofhis Cede cf things eternal, and is cold in love, and cold in prayer, and liveth as if he were grown weary of God,and weary of well doing. ,His work muftbe to feel the fmart of Gods difpleafure, fo far as to awaken him to repentance, and fet him againwith former ferioufnefs, upon his duty : And when he mendeth his pace, he may defire to be eafed of the rod and fpur. But to give unfeafonable cordials to any of thefe, is but to frufirate the affle6tion, and to hurt them, and prepare for worfe. Nay, and when they are comforted infro- fin, it muff be with due caution : Go thy way, andfrn no mare, left a marfe thing cone unto thee. It is pernicious unskilfulnc fs in thcfe comforters of the afuided, whohave the fame cullo- many words of comfort for all; and by their improper cor- dials unieafonablyapplyed, delude poor fouls, and hinder that. necePfary repentance which God by fo fli irp a means doth call . them to. Direct. 4. Remember thatyourpart ina liEäion is to Jaya r. duty, and to get the bentfit of it : but to remove it is Gods part : Therefore be:,you careful about that part which is your own, and then make noquefiion but God will do bis part. Let it. be your Eft qucfiion therefore [What is it that I am obliged to in this condition ?] What is` to Oécialduty of one. in this tick- nefs, this poverty, imprifonment, rcllraint, contempt, or Han- der, which I undergo ?] Be careful daily to do that duty, and thennever fear the iffue of yourfuffering : Nothing can g®. ariaifs to him that is found is the way of his duty. And