Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. the lame, the tick, and raise the dead ; and feen him, after all this made the (corn of finners, buffeted, fpit upon, when they had crowned him with thorns, and arrayed him gorgeoufly in (corn and then nailed between malefa6tors on a Crofs, and pierced, anddie a fhameful death, and this for fuch as you and I. Suppofe you had feen the Sun darkned without any ecclipfe , the Vail of the Templerent, the Earth tremble ; the Angels terrifying the Keepers, andChrifi rife again I Suppofe you had been among the Difciplcs whenhe appeared in the midti of them, and with Thomas, had put your fingers into .. his wounded tide : and had teen himwalkingon the waters, and at lafi feen him afcending .up to Heaven. Suppofe you had feen when the Holy Ghost came down on the Difciples in the fimilitudeof cloven tongues, and had heard them (peak in the various languages of the Nations, and hen the variety of Miracles, by which they convinced the unbelieving world What perlons would you have been ? what lives would you have led, if you had been eye-witneffcs of all thefe things ? And doyou not profcfs to believe all this ? and that chefe things are as certain truths, as if you had feen them ? why then cloth not your beliefaffed you, or command you more ? why doth it not do what fight would do, in fome good maa- fure, if it were but a lively Paving faith indeed that fervet h infield offenfe ? Yea I muti tell you, Faith mutt do more with you, in this cafe, than the fight of Chritialone, could do, or !!re fight of his Miracles did on moll. For many that taw him, and faw his works,& heard hisWord,yet perished in their unbelief. 3. Suppofe you faw the evrrlaJfing Glory which Chriti hash purchafed and prepared for his Saints : That you had been once with Paul, rapt up into the third Heavens, and feen the .. things that are unutterable: -would you not after that have rather lived like Paul, and undergone his fufferings and con- tempt, than to have lived like the brain-fick brutitla world ? If you had feen what Stephen faw before his death, Ails 7.- 55, 56. the Glory ofGod, andCbriJf Jtanding at bio right bane; Ifyouhad feen the thoufands and millions of holygloriousfpi- tits, that are continually attending the Maje#y of the Lord; , Ifyou red fan the glorified fpirita of the juts, that were once. fltth,, dcfpifcd by; the blind ungodly worlds while they E: 3 ; mind ,