Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

496 The Life of Faith. And let it be yotir next queftion, What fpiritual good may be got by this afili8ion ? May not my repentance be renewed ? my fcif- denyal, humility, contempt of the world, patience, and confidence on God, be exercifed and increafedby it ? and is not this the end of my heavenly Father ? Is not his rod an at of love and kindnefs to me ? Doth he not offer me by it all this good ? And let your next queflion be [Have Iyet got that good which God doth offer me ? Have I any conftderable benefit tofbcw, which Ihave received by this afflitlion fines it came ?] If not, why fhould you defire it to be taken away ? Play not the Hy- pocrite in [peaking that good ofan rflitdingGod, which you do not fcrioufly believe : Ifyou believe that God is wifer than you, to knowwhat is fittcft for you, and that he is better than you, and therefore hath better ends than you can have; and that really he offercth you far greater good by your fuffcrings, than he taketh from you : Let your affc6tions thenbe agree - able to this belief: Are you afraid of your own commodity ? Do you impatiently long tobe delivered from your gain ?are you fo childifh as topull off the plailler, ifyou believe that it is curing the fore ? and that it cannot be well and fafely donewithout it ? Do you call it the fruit ofGods Wifdom and Love, and yet be as weary of it, as ifthere were nothing in it but his wrath ? Trufi God with his work who never faileth ; and be careful of your own, who are confcious ofuntruflincfs. Dire. 5. Lookprincipally toyour hearts, that theygrow not to anover- valuing of the profperity of thefle , nor to an under- valuing ofholinefs and the profperity of the foul. For this un- happy carnality doth both caufe afition, and make us un- profitableand impatient under it. a. He that is a' worldling, or a voluptuous flefh-pleafcr, and favoureth nothing but the things of the fl:fh, will think himfelf undone, when his pleafurc, and plenty, and honour with men, is taken away. Nothing maketh men grieve for the lots ofany worldly commodity, fo much as the over- loving ofit. It is Love that leeketh it when you are in hope, andLove that mourned, when you are in want, as well as Love which deligbtetb in it when youpofj^efs it: As lick men ufe to love health better than thofe that never fek the want ofit;fo it is too common