Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. common with poor men to love riches better thon the rich that never needed : (And yet, poor fouls, they deceive themfelves, and cry out againft the rich, as if they were the only lovers- of the world, when they love it more themfolves, though they cannot get it.) Never think of bearingafflietion with a patient and fubmiflìve mind, as long as you over love the things which afflition taketh from you : For the lofs of themwill tear thole hearts which did flick fo inordinately to them. 2. And if yougrow toan undervaluing of Holing?, you can never be reconciled to of lie`ting providence. For it is for our profit that Godcorreâeth us ; but for what profit ? that we may bepartakers ofhis holing?, Hcb. 12. 10,14. If therefore you undervalue that which is Gods end, and goeth for your gain, you will never think that you are gainers or favers by his rod. In corrct%on God doth as it were make a bargain with you; he will take awayyour riches, or your friends, or your health, and he will give you (ifyou refufe it not) increafe of patience, and mortification in the field of them : he will exchange fo much heavenly-mindedncfs, for fo much of the treafures or . pleafures of the world. And now, if you do not like the bar- gain, if reallyyou had rather have morehealth, than more ho- hncfs; more ofthe world, than moreheavenly. mindednefs ; more flcfhly pleafure,than more mortification of &fhly defires, you will never then Iike the corrc inghand ofGod,nor right- ly profit by it : You will grudge at histealing, and with that you were out of his hand, and in your own ; and that your Oates, and health, and friends, were not at his difpofal, but at yours; and you will lofe the offered benefit, becaufc you value it not, and accept it not as it is offered you. I. And thofc that have fome efteem of Holinefs, and yet neglect the duty which thould procure the excrcite and-in- creak ofgrace, do make corre( ion burdenfome by making it unprofitable to them. For to hear that they may be gainers by affliction, and to find that they are not, will not reconcile them to it. Whereas if they had really got the benefit, it would quiet them, andcomfort them, and make them patient, and thankful to their Father. What have you to thew that you gained by your fufferings ? Are you really more mortifi- ed, more penitent , more humble, more htaveniy, more K rs obedient, 497