Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

7'he Lijé of Faith. 499 of your Faith, who for the joy that was jet before him, endured the crofs, and defpifed the fhame, and isfet down at the right hand of the Throne of God. Confider him that endured fuch contra.. dollion offsnners againffbimfelf, left you be wearied and faint in your mind, Hcb. 12. 2,3. If you did determine to know no- thing but Chrifi crucified, and by his crofs had crucified the the world, (a Cor. z. 2. Gal. 6. 14.) you would be able to fay, I am crucified with Chri(f, yet I live, that is, not I, but Chriff liveth in me, Gal. 2.3o. And to look on the pleafure and glory ofthe world,as the world did look on a crucified Chrifl,when they (hook the head at him as lie hanged on the crofs. You would love the narrow fúffering way, where you fee before you the footficps of your Lord, and of fo many holy Martyrs and Believers : You would fay, fore this is the fafe and bleffed way, in whichChrifi, and all the heavenly Army have patted hence unto their Crown : You would fay, lathefèrvantgrea- ter than his Lord ? Ifthus the innocent Lordof iifc,and Maffer of the houfe was injured and afTh cd, am I better than he ? Though he fuffcred to fave me from Hell, yet not to Cave me from the purifying tryals here on earth. Doubtlefs you would count althings but lop, for theexcellency ofthe knowledge of Ìejiu Chriff, and count them but dung thatyou might win bins and thatyou might know bim, and the power of his refurrelliox, and the fellorefhtp of hie fuferings, being wade conformable to hie death, Phil. 3. 8, ro. Dire. 8. Keepthe eye of Faith fillfixedon theeternal glory; thatyou may underftand what afghan is, when you take it raids its end. Remember what eternal Joyes it leadeth to ; and what thoughts you will have of all your pain, when you find your felves in the everlafting refi. Remember where all tears (hall be wiped from your eyes ; and who dare blame that way as narrow or foul, which bringeth us to fach an end, Pfal. aa6. 5 , 6. They that f,w in tears, (hall reap in joy : He that gotzh forth and weepetb, bearing precious feed, (hall doubtlefs come again with rejoycing, bringing his (heaves with him, Mat. 5.4. Bleffed are they that mourn, for theyfhall be comforted. Is not eternal joy fuicient for you When you are fuffering with the Church militant, look up to theChurch triumphant ; an re- member that they were lately as low, as fad, as forrow ful as R r r 2 you,